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ClassBasedContainerExtensionContext - Class in org.junit.jupiter.engine.descriptor
ClassBasedContainerExtensionContext(ExtensionContext, EngineExecutionListener, ClassTestDescriptor) - Constructor for class org.junit.jupiter.engine.descriptor.ClassBasedContainerExtensionContext
ClassNameFilter - Interface in org.junit.platform.engine.discovery
DiscoveryFilter that is applied to the name of a Class.
ClasspathResourceSelector - Class in org.junit.platform.engine.discovery
A DiscoverySelector that selects the name of a classpath resource so that TestEngines can load resources from the classpath — for example, to load XML or JSON files from the classpath, potentially within JARs.
ClasspathResourceSource - Class in
Classpath resource based TestSource with an optional position.
ClasspathResourceSource(String) - Constructor for class
Create a new ClasspathResourceSource using the supplied classpath resource name.
ClasspathResourceSource(String, FilePosition) - Constructor for class
Create a new ClasspathResourceSource using the supplied classpath resource name and FilePosition.
ClasspathRootSelector - Class in org.junit.platform.engine.discovery
A DiscoverySelector that selects a classpath root so that TestEngines can search for class files or resources within the physical classpath — for example, to scan for test classes.
ClasspathScanningSupport - Class in
Support utility methods for classpath scanning.
ClasspathScanningSupport() - Constructor for class
ClassSelector - Class in org.junit.platform.engine.discovery
A DiscoverySelector that selects a Class or class name so that TestEngines can discover tests or containers based on classes.
ClassSource - Class in
Java class based TestSource with an optional position.
ClassSource(String) - Constructor for class
Create a new ClassSource using the supplied className.
ClassSource(String, FilePosition) - Constructor for class
Create a new ClassSource using the supplied className and filePosition.
ClassSource(Class<?>) - Constructor for class
Create a new ClassSource using the supplied javaClass.
ClassSource(Class<?>, FilePosition) - Constructor for class
Create a new ClassSource using the supplied javaClass and filePosition.
ClassTestDescriptor - Class in org.junit.jupiter.engine.descriptor
TestDescriptor for tests based on Java classes.
ClassTestDescriptor(UniqueId, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.junit.jupiter.engine.descriptor.ClassTestDescriptor
ClassTestDescriptor(UniqueId, Function<Class<?>, String>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.junit.jupiter.engine.descriptor.ClassTestDescriptor
clone() - Method in class org.junit.platform.engine.UniqueId
CollectionUtils - Class in org.junit.platform.commons.util
Collection of utilities for working with Collections.
CommandLineOptions - Class in org.junit.platform.console.options
CommandLineOptions() - Constructor for class org.junit.platform.console.options.CommandLineOptions
CommandLineOptionsParser - Interface in org.junit.platform.console.options
composeFilters(Filter<T>...) - Static method in interface org.junit.platform.engine.Filter
Return a filter that will include elements if and only if all of the filters in the supplied array of filters include it.
composeFilters(Collection<? extends Filter<T>>) - Static method in interface org.junit.platform.engine.Filter
Return a filter that will include elements if and only if all of the filters in the supplied collection of filters include it.
CompositeTestSource - Class in
A CompositeTestSource contains one or more TestSources.
CompositeTestSource(Collection<? extends TestSource>) - Constructor for class
Create a new CompositeTestSource based on the supplied collection of sources.
computeExitCode(TestExecutionSummary) - Static method in class org.junit.platform.console.ConsoleLauncherExecutionResult
condition(boolean, String) - Static method in class org.junit.platform.commons.util.Preconditions
Assert that the supplied predicate is true.
condition(boolean, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class org.junit.platform.commons.util.Preconditions
Assert that the supplied predicate is true.
ConditionEvaluationResult - Class in org.junit.jupiter.api.extension
ConditionEvaluator - Class in org.junit.jupiter.engine.execution
ConditionEvaluator evaluates ContainerExecutionCondition and TestExecutionCondition extensions.
ConditionEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.junit.jupiter.engine.execution.ConditionEvaluator
configurationParameter(String, String) - Method in class org.junit.platform.launcher.core.LauncherDiscoveryRequestBuilder
Add the supplied configuration parameter to the request.
ConfigurationParameters - Interface in org.junit.platform.engine
Configuration parameters that TestEngines may use to influence test discovery and execution.
configurationParameters(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.junit.platform.launcher.core.LauncherDiscoveryRequestBuilder
Add all of the supplied configuration parameters to the request.
ConsoleLauncher - Class in org.junit.platform.console
The ConsoleLauncher is a stand-alone application for launching the JUnit Platform from the console.
ConsoleLauncherExecutionResult - Class in org.junit.platform.console
ConsoleTestExecutor - Class in org.junit.platform.console.tasks
ConsoleTestExecutor(CommandLineOptions) - Constructor for class org.junit.platform.console.tasks.ConsoleTestExecutor
Constants - Class in org.junit.jupiter.engine
Collection of constants related to the JupiterTestEngine.
ContainerExecutionCondition - Interface in org.junit.jupiter.api.extension
ContainerExecutionCondition defines the Extension API for programmatic, conditional container execution.
ContainerExtensionContext - Interface in org.junit.jupiter.api.extension
ContainerExtensionContext encapsulates the context in which the current container is being executed.
containsNoNullElements(T[], String) - Static method in class org.junit.platform.commons.util.Preconditions
Assert that the supplied array contains no null elements.
containsNoNullElements(T[], Supplier<String>) - Static method in class org.junit.platform.commons.util.Preconditions
Assert that the supplied array contains no null elements.
containsNoNullElements(T, String) - Static method in class org.junit.platform.commons.util.Preconditions
Assert that the supplied collection contains no null elements.
containsNoNullElements(T, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class org.junit.platform.commons.util.Preconditions
Assert that the supplied collection contains no null elements.
convert(Object, ParameterContext) - Method in interface org.junit.jupiter.params.converter.ArgumentConverter
convert(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class org.junit.jupiter.params.converter.DefaultArgumentConverter
convert(Object, ParameterContext) - Method in class org.junit.jupiter.params.converter.SimpleArgumentConverter
convert(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class org.junit.jupiter.params.converter.SimpleArgumentConverter
ConvertWith - Annotation Type in org.junit.jupiter.params.converter
@ConvertWith is an annotation that allows one to specify an explicit ArgumentConverter.
countTestIdentifiers(Predicate<? super TestIdentifier>) - Method in class org.junit.platform.launcher.TestPlan
Count all TestIdentifiers that satisfy the given predicate.
create(Object...) - Static method in class org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtensionContext.Namespace
Create a namespace which restricts access to data to all extensions which use the same sequence of parts for creating a namespace.
create(Object...) - Static method in class org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ObjectArrayArguments
create(String) - Static method in class org.junit.platform.engine.TestTag
Create a TestTag from the supplied name.
create() - Static method in class org.junit.platform.launcher.core.LauncherFactory
Factory method for creating a new Launcher using dynamically detected test engines.
createExecutionContext(ExecutionRequest) - Method in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.JupiterTestEngine
createExecutionContext(ExecutionRequest) - Method in class
Create the initial execution context for executing the supplied request.
createRegistryFrom(ExtensionRegistry, List<Class<? extends Extension>>) - Static method in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.extension.ExtensionRegistry
Factory for creating and populating a new registry from a list of extension types and a parent registry.
createRegistryWithDefaultExtensions(ConfigurationParameters) - Static method in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.extension.ExtensionRegistry
Factory for creating and populating a new root registry with the default extensions.
CsvFileSource - Annotation Type in org.junit.jupiter.params.provider
@CsvFileSource is a special ArgumentsSource which is used to declare comma-separated values (CSV) files from one or more classpath resources.
CsvSource - Annotation Type in org.junit.jupiter.params.provider
@CsvSource is a special ArgumentsSource which reads comma-separated values (CSV) from its value attribute.
CURRENT_REPETITION_PLACEHOLDER - Static variable in annotation type org.junit.jupiter.api.RepeatedTest
Placeholder for the current repetition count of a @RepeatedTest method: {currentRepetition}
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