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UniqueId - Class in org.junit.platform.engine
UniqueId encapsulates the creation, parsing, and display of unique IDs for TestDescriptors.
UniqueId.Segment - Class in org.junit.platform.engine
A segment of a UniqueId comprises a type and a value.
UniqueIdSelector - Class in org.junit.platform.engine.discovery
A DiscoverySelector that selects a UniqueId so that TestEngines can discover tests or containers based on unique IDs.
UriSelector - Class in org.junit.platform.engine.discovery
A DiscoverySelector that selects a URI so that TestEngines can discover tests or containers based on URIs.
UriSource - Interface in
A TestSource that can be represented as a URI.
UseTechnicalNames - Annotation Type in org.junit.platform.suite.api
@UseTechnicalNames specifies that technical names should be used instead of display names when running a test suite on the JUnit Platform.
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JUnit 5