Uses of Class

Packages that use Description
org.junit.runner Provides classes used to describe, collect, run and analyze multiple tests. 
org.junit.runner.manipulation Provides classes to filter or sort tests. 
org.junit.runner.notification Provides information about a test run. 
org.junit.runners Provides standard Runner implementations. 

Uses of Description in org.junit.experimental.categories

Methods in org.junit.experimental.categories with parameters of type Description
 boolean Categories.CategoryFilter.shouldRun(Description description)

Uses of Description in org.junit.experimental.max

Methods in org.junit.experimental.max that return types with arguments of type Description
 List<Description> MaxCore.sortedLeavesForTest(Request request)
 Comparator<Description> MaxHistory.testComparator()

Uses of Description in org.junit.rules

Methods in org.junit.rules with parameters of type Description
 Statement TestWatcher.apply(Statement base, Description description)
 Statement ExternalResource.apply(Statement base, Description description)
 Statement ExpectedException.apply(Statement base, Description description)
 Statement DisableOnDebug.apply(Statement base, Description description)
 Statement Timeout.apply(Statement base, Description description)
 Statement RuleChain.apply(Statement base, Description description)
          Modifies the method-running Statement to implement this test-running rule.
 Statement Stopwatch.apply(Statement base, Description description)
 Statement Verifier.apply(Statement base, Description description)
 Statement TestRule.apply(Statement base, Description description)
          Modifies the method-running Statement to implement this test-running rule.
protected  void Stopwatch.failed(long nanos, Throwable e, Description description)
          Invoked when a test fails
protected  void TestWatcher.failed(Throwable e, Description description)
          Invoked when a test fails
protected  void TestWatcher.finished(Description description)
          Invoked when a test method finishes (whether passing or failing)
protected  void Stopwatch.finished(long nanos, Description description)
          Invoked when a test method finishes (whether passing or failing)
protected  void TestWatcher.skipped(AssumptionViolatedException e, Description description)
          Invoked when a test is skipped due to a failed assumption.
protected  void TestWatcher.skipped(org.junit.internal.AssumptionViolatedException e, Description description)
          Deprecated. use TestWatcher.skipped(AssumptionViolatedException, Description)
protected  void Stopwatch.skipped(long nanos, AssumptionViolatedException e, Description description)
          Invoked when a test is skipped due to a failed assumption.
protected  void TestWatcher.starting(Description description)
          Invoked when a test is about to start
protected  void TestName.starting(Description d)
protected  void TestWatcher.succeeded(Description description)
          Invoked when a test succeeds
protected  void Stopwatch.succeeded(long nanos, Description description)
          Invoked when a test succeeds

Constructors in org.junit.rules with parameters of type Description
RunRules(Statement base, Iterable<TestRule> rules, Description description)

Uses of Description in org.junit.runner

Fields in org.junit.runner declared as Description
static Description Description.EMPTY
          Describes a Runner which runs no tests
static Description Description.TEST_MECHANISM
          Describes a step in the test-running mechanism that goes so wrong no other description can be used (for example, an exception thrown from a Runner's constructor

Methods in org.junit.runner that return Description
 Description Description.childlessCopy()
static Description Description.createSuiteDescription(Class<?> testClass)
          Create a Description named after testClass
static Description Description.createSuiteDescription(Class<?> testClass, Annotation... annotations)
          Create a Description named after testClass
static Description Description.createSuiteDescription(String name, Annotation... annotations)
          Create a Description named name.
static Description Description.createSuiteDescription(String name, Serializable uniqueId, Annotation... annotations)
          Create a Description named name.
static Description Description.createTestDescription(Class<?> clazz, String name)
          Create a Description of a single test named name in the class clazz.
static Description Description.createTestDescription(Class<?> clazz, String name, Annotation... annotations)
          Create a Description of a single test named name in the class clazz.
static Description Description.createTestDescription(String className, String name, Annotation... annotations)
          Create a Description of a single test named name in the 'class' named className.
static Description Description.createTestDescription(String className, String name, Serializable uniqueId)
          Create a Description of a single test named name in the class clazz.
 Description Describable.getDescription()
abstract  Description Runner.getDescription()
 Description FilterFactoryParams.getTopLevelDescription()

Methods in org.junit.runner that return types with arguments of type Description
 ArrayList<Description> Description.getChildren()
          Gets the copy of the children of this Description.

Methods in org.junit.runner with parameters of type Description
 void Description.addChild(Description description)
          Add Description as a child of the receiver.
 Request Request.filterWith(Description desiredDescription)
          Returns a Request that only runs tests whose Description matches the given description.

Method parameters in org.junit.runner with type arguments of type Description
 Request Request.sortWith(Comparator<Description> comparator)
          Returns a Request whose Tests can be run in a certain order, defined by comparator

Constructors in org.junit.runner with parameters of type Description
FilterFactoryParams(Description topLevelDescription, String args)

Uses of Description in org.junit.runner.manipulation

Methods in org.junit.runner.manipulation that return Description
 Description Ordering.Context.getTarget()
          Gets the description for the top-level target being ordered.

Methods in org.junit.runner.manipulation that return types with arguments of type Description
 List<Description> Orderer.order(Collection<Description> descriptions)
          Orders the descriptions.
protected  List<Description> Sorter.orderItems(Collection<Description> descriptions)
          Implemented by sub-classes to order the descriptions.
protected abstract  List<Description> Ordering.orderItems(Collection<Description> descriptions)
          Implemented by sub-classes to order the descriptions.

Methods in org.junit.runner.manipulation with parameters of type Description
 int o1, Description o2)
static Ordering Ordering.definedBy(Class<? extends Ordering.Factory> factoryClass, Description annotatedTestClass)
          Creates an Ordering from the given factory class.
static Ordering Ordering.definedBy(Ordering.Factory factory, Description annotatedTestClass)
          Creates an Ordering from the given factory.
static Filter Filter.matchMethodDescription(Description desiredDescription)
          Returns a Filter that only runs the single method described by desiredDescription
abstract  boolean Filter.shouldRun(Description description)

Method parameters in org.junit.runner.manipulation with type arguments of type Description
 List<Description> Orderer.order(Collection<Description> descriptions)
          Orders the descriptions.
protected  List<Description> Sorter.orderItems(Collection<Description> descriptions)
          Implemented by sub-classes to order the descriptions.
protected abstract  List<Description> Ordering.orderItems(Collection<Description> descriptions)
          Implemented by sub-classes to order the descriptions.

Constructor parameters in org.junit.runner.manipulation with type arguments of type Description
Sorter(Comparator<Description> comparator)
          Creates a Sorter that uses comparator to sort tests

Uses of Description in org.junit.runner.notification

Methods in org.junit.runner.notification that return Description
 Description Failure.getDescription()

Methods in org.junit.runner.notification with parameters of type Description
 void RunNotifier.fireTestFinished(Description description)
          Invoke to tell listeners that an atomic test finished.
 void RunNotifier.fireTestIgnored(Description description)
          Invoke to tell listeners that an atomic test was ignored.
 void RunNotifier.fireTestRunStarted(Description description)
          Do not invoke.
 void RunNotifier.fireTestStarted(Description description)
          Invoke to tell listeners that an atomic test is about to start.
 void RunNotifier.fireTestSuiteFinished(Description description)
          Invoke to tell listeners that a test suite is about to finish.
 void RunNotifier.fireTestSuiteStarted(Description description)
          Invoke to tell listeners that a test suite is about to start.
 void RunListener.testFinished(Description description)
          Called when an atomic test has finished, whether the test succeeds or fails.
 void RunListener.testIgnored(Description description)
          Called when a test will not be run, generally because a test method is annotated with Ignore.
 void RunListener.testRunStarted(Description description)
          Called before any tests have been run.
 void RunListener.testStarted(Description description)
          Called when an atomic test is about to be started.
 void RunListener.testSuiteFinished(Description description)
          Called when a test suite has finished, whether the test suite succeeds or fails.
 void RunListener.testSuiteStarted(Description description)
          Called when a test suite is about to be started.

Constructors in org.junit.runner.notification with parameters of type Description
Failure(Description description, Throwable thrownException)
          Constructs a Failure with the given description and exception.

Uses of Description in org.junit.runners

Methods in org.junit.runners that return Description
protected  Description BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.describeChild(FrameworkMethod method)
protected  Description Suite.describeChild(Runner child)
protected abstract  Description ParentRunner.describeChild(T child)
          Returns a Description for child, which can be assumed to be an element of the list returned by ParentRunner.getChildren()
 Description ParentRunner.getDescription()

Methods in org.junit.runners with parameters of type Description
protected  void ParentRunner.runLeaf(Statement statement, Description description, RunNotifier notifier)
          Runs a Statement that represents a leaf (aka atomic) test.

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