Interface ParameterInfo

@API(status=EXPERIMENTAL, since="5.13") public interface ParameterInfo
ParameterInfo is used to provide information about the current invocation of a parameterized class or test.

Registered Extension implementations may retrieve the current ParameterInfo instance by calling ExtensionContext.getStore(Namespace) with NAMESPACE and Store.get(...) with KEY. Alternatively, the get(ExtensionContext) method may be used to retrieve the ParameterInfo instance for the supplied ExtensionContext. Extensions must not modify any entries in the Store for NAMESPACE.

When a @ParameterizedTest method is declared inside a @ParameterizedClass or a @Nested @ParameterizedClass is declared inside an enclosing @ParameterizedClass, there will be multiple ParameterInfo instances available on different levels of the ExtensionContext hierarchy. In such cases, please use ExtensionContext.getParent() to navigate to the right level before retrieving the ParameterInfo instance from the Store.

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • get

      static ParameterInfo get(ExtensionContext context)
      Returns the closest ParameterInfo instance for the supplied ExtensionContext; potentially null.
      the closest ParameterInfo instance for the supplied ExtensionContext; potentially null
    • getDeclarations

      ParameterDeclarations getDeclarations()
      Returns the declarations of all indexed parameters.
      the declarations of all indexed parameters
    • getArguments

      ArgumentsAccessor getArguments()
      Returns the accessor to the arguments of the current invocation.
      the accessor to the arguments of the current invocation