Class NamespacedHierarchicalStore<N>

Type Parameters:
N - Namespace type
All Implemented Interfaces:

@API(status=EXPERIMENTAL, since="1.10") public final class NamespacedHierarchicalStore<N> extends Object implements AutoCloseable
NamespacedHierarchicalStore is a hierarchical, namespaced key-value store.

Its closing behavior can be customized by passing a NamespacedHierarchicalStore.CloseAction to the NamespacedHierarchicalStore(NamespacedHierarchicalStore, CloseAction) constructor.

This class is thread-safe. Please note, however, that thread safety is not guaranteed while the close() method is being invoked.

  • Constructor Details

    • NamespacedHierarchicalStore

      public NamespacedHierarchicalStore(NamespacedHierarchicalStore<N> parentStore)
      Create a new store with the supplied parent.
      parentStore - the parent store to use for lookups; may be null
    • NamespacedHierarchicalStore

      public NamespacedHierarchicalStore(NamespacedHierarchicalStore<N> parentStore, NamespacedHierarchicalStore.CloseAction<N> closeAction)
      Create a new store with the supplied parent and close action.
      parentStore - the parent store to use for lookups; may be null
      closeAction - the action to be called for each stored value when this store is closed; may be null
  • Method Details

    • newChild

      public NamespacedHierarchicalStore<N> newChild()
      Create a child store with this store as its parent and this store's close action.
    • isClosed

      @API(status=EXPERIMENTAL, since="1.11") public boolean isClosed()
      Determine if this store has been closed.
      true if this store has been closed
      See Also:
    • close

      public void close()
      If a NamespacedHierarchicalStore.CloseAction is configured, it will be called with all successfully stored values in reverse insertion order.

      Closing a store does not close its parent or any of its children.

      Invocations of this method after the store has already been closed will be ignored.

      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      See Also:
    • get

      public Object get(N namespace, Object key)
      Get the value stored for the supplied namespace and key in this store or the parent store, if present.
      namespace - the namespace; never null
      key - the key; never null
      the stored value; may be null
      NamespacedHierarchicalStoreException - if this store has already been closed
    • get

      public <T> T get(N namespace, Object key, Class<T> requiredType) throws NamespacedHierarchicalStoreException
      Get the value stored for the supplied namespace and key in this store or the parent store, if present, and cast it to the supplied required type.
      namespace - the namespace; never null
      key - the key; never null
      requiredType - the required type of the value; never null
      the stored value; may be null
      NamespacedHierarchicalStoreException - if the stored value cannot be cast to the required type, or if this store has already been closed
    • getOrComputeIfAbsent

      public <K, V> Object getOrComputeIfAbsent(N namespace, K key, Function<K,V> defaultCreator)
      Get the value stored for the supplied namespace and key in this store or the parent store, if present, or call the supplied function to compute it.
      namespace - the namespace; never null
      key - the key; never null
      defaultCreator - the function called with the supplied key to create a new value; never null but may return null
      the stored value; may be null
      NamespacedHierarchicalStoreException - if this store has already been closed
    • getOrComputeIfAbsent

      public <K, V> V getOrComputeIfAbsent(N namespace, K key, Function<K,V> defaultCreator, Class<V> requiredType) throws NamespacedHierarchicalStoreException
      Get the value stored for the supplied namespace and key in this store or the parent store, if present, or call the supplied function to compute it and, finally, cast it to the supplied required type.
      namespace - the namespace; never null
      key - the key; never null
      defaultCreator - the function called with the supplied key to create a new value; never null but may return null
      requiredType - the required type of the value; never null
      the stored value; may be null
      NamespacedHierarchicalStoreException - if the stored value cannot be cast to the required type, or if this store has already been closed
    • put

      public Object put(N namespace, Object key, Object value) throws NamespacedHierarchicalStoreException
      Put the supplied value for the supplied namespace and key into this store and return the previously associated value in this store.

      The NamespacedHierarchicalStore.CloseAction will not be called for the previously stored value, if any.

      namespace - the namespace; never null
      key - the key; never null
      value - the value to store; may be null
      the previously stored value; may be null
      NamespacedHierarchicalStoreException - if an error occurs while storing the value, or if this store has already been closed
    • remove

      public Object remove(N namespace, Object key)
      Remove the value stored for the supplied namespace and key from this store.

      The NamespacedHierarchicalStore.CloseAction will not be called for the removed value.

      namespace - the namespace; never null
      key - the key; never null
      the previously stored value; may be null
      NamespacedHierarchicalStoreException - if this store has already been closed
    • remove

      public <T> T remove(N namespace, Object key, Class<T> requiredType) throws NamespacedHierarchicalStoreException
      Remove the value stored for the supplied namespace and key from this store and cast it to the supplied required type.

      The NamespacedHierarchicalStore.CloseAction will not be called for the removed value.

      namespace - the namespace; never null
      key - the key; never null
      requiredType - the required type of the value; never null
      the previously stored value; may be null
      NamespacedHierarchicalStoreException - if the stored value cannot be cast to the required type, or if this store has already been closed