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All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Deprecated API|Serialized Form


DEACTIVATE_ALL_CONDITIONS_PATTERN - Static variable in interface org.junit.jupiter.engine.config.JupiterConfiguration
DEACTIVATE_ALL_CONDITIONS_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.Constants
Wildcard pattern which signals that all conditions should be deactivated: "*"
DEACTIVATE_ALL_LISTENERS_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.junit.platform.launcher.LauncherConstants
Wildcard pattern which signals that all listeners registered via the ServiceLoader mechanism should be deactivated: "*"
DEACTIVATE_ALL_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.junit.platform.commons.util.ClassNamePatternFilterUtils
DEACTIVATE_CONDITIONS_PATTERN_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.junit.jupiter.engine.config.JupiterConfiguration
DEACTIVATE_CONDITIONS_PATTERN_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.Constants
Property name used to provide patterns for deactivating conditions: "junit.jupiter.conditions.deactivate"
DEACTIVATE_LISTENERS_PATTERN_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.junit.platform.launcher.LauncherConstants
Property name used to provide patterns for deactivating listeners registered via the ServiceLoader mechanism: "junit.platform.execution.listeners.deactivate"
debug() - Method in class org.junit.platform.testkit.engine.Events
Print all events to System.out.
debug() - Method in class org.junit.platform.testkit.engine.Executions
Print all executions to System.out.
debug(OutputStream) - Method in class org.junit.platform.testkit.engine.Events
Print all events to the supplied OutputStream.
debug(OutputStream) - Method in class org.junit.platform.testkit.engine.Executions
Print all executions to the supplied OutputStream.
debug(Writer) - Method in class org.junit.platform.testkit.engine.Events
Print all events to the supplied Writer.
debug(Writer) - Method in class org.junit.platform.testkit.engine.Executions
Print all executions to the supplied Writer.
debug(Throwable, Supplier<String>) - Method in interface org.junit.platform.commons.logging.Logger
Log the provided Throwable and message from the provided messageSupplier at debug level.
debug(Supplier<String>) - Method in interface org.junit.platform.commons.logging.Logger
Log the message from the provided messageSupplier at debug level.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class
Search the inheritance hierarchy (i.e., the current class, implemented interfaces, and superclasses), but do not search on enclosing classes.
DEFAULT - Static variable in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.api.Order
Default order value for elements not explicitly annotated with @Order, equal to the value of Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2.
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.junit.platform.launcher.core.LauncherConfig
The default LauncherConfig which uses automatic registration for test engines, supported listeners, and post-discovery filters.
DEFAULT_AFTER_ALL_METHOD_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.junit.jupiter.engine.config.JupiterConfiguration
DEFAULT_AFTER_ALL_METHOD_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.Constants
Property name used to set the default timeout for all @AfterAll methods.
DEFAULT_AFTER_EACH_METHOD_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.junit.jupiter.engine.config.JupiterConfiguration
DEFAULT_AFTER_EACH_METHOD_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.Constants
Property name used to set the default timeout for all @AfterEach methods.
DEFAULT_BEFORE_ALL_METHOD_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.junit.jupiter.engine.config.JupiterConfiguration
DEFAULT_BEFORE_ALL_METHOD_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.Constants
Property name used to set the default timeout for all @BeforeAll methods.
DEFAULT_BEFORE_EACH_METHOD_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.junit.jupiter.engine.config.JupiterConfiguration
DEFAULT_BEFORE_EACH_METHOD_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.Constants
Property name used to set the default timeout for all @BeforeEach methods.
DEFAULT_CLASSES_EXECUTION_MODE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.junit.jupiter.engine.config.JupiterConfiguration
DEFAULT_CLASSES_EXECUTION_MODE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.Constants
Property name used to set the default test execution mode for top-level classes: "junit.jupiter.execution.parallel.mode.classes.default"
DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_LISTENER_CONFIGURATION_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.junit.platform.launcher.core.LauncherDiscoveryRequestBuilder
Property name used to set the default discovery listener that is added to all : "junit.platform.discovery.listener.default"
DEFAULT_DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest
Default display name pattern for the current invocation of a @ParameterizedTest method: "[{index}] {argumentsWithNames}"
DEFAULT_DISPLAY_NAME_GENERATOR_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.junit.jupiter.engine.config.JupiterConfiguration
DEFAULT_DISPLAY_NAME_GENERATOR_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.Constants
Property name used to set the default display name generator class name: "junit.jupiter.displayname.generator.default"
DEFAULT_EXECUTION_MODE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.junit.jupiter.engine.config.JupiterConfiguration
DEFAULT_GENERATOR - Static variable in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.api.IndicativeSentencesGeneration
DEFAULT_LIFECYCLE_METHOD_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.junit.jupiter.engine.config.JupiterConfiguration
DEFAULT_LIFECYCLE_METHOD_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.Constants
Property name used to set the default timeout for all lifecycle methods.
DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.junit.platform.launcher.listeners.UniqueIdTrackingListener
The default prefix for the name of the file generated by the UniqueIdTrackingListener: "junit-platform-unique-ids"
DEFAULT_PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MODE - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.Constants
Property name used to set the default test execution mode: "junit.jupiter.execution.parallel.mode.default"
DEFAULT_SEPARATOR - Static variable in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.api.IndicativeSentencesGeneration
DEFAULT_TEST_CLASS_ORDER_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.junit.jupiter.engine.config.JupiterConfiguration
DEFAULT_TEST_CLASS_ORDER_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.Constants
Property name used to set the default class orderer class name: "junit.jupiter.testclass.order.default"
DEFAULT_TEST_FACTORY_METHOD_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.junit.jupiter.engine.config.JupiterConfiguration
DEFAULT_TEST_FACTORY_METHOD_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.Constants
Property name used to set the default timeout for all @TestFactory methods.
DEFAULT_TEST_INSTANCE_LIFECYCLE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.junit.jupiter.engine.config.JupiterConfiguration
DEFAULT_TEST_INSTANCE_LIFECYCLE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.Constants
Property name used to set the default test instance lifecycle mode: "junit.jupiter.testinstance.lifecycle.default"
DEFAULT_TEST_METHOD_ORDER_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.junit.jupiter.engine.config.JupiterConfiguration
DEFAULT_TEST_METHOD_ORDER_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.Constants
Property name used to set the default method orderer class name: "junit.jupiter.testmethod.order.default"
DEFAULT_TEST_METHOD_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.junit.jupiter.engine.config.JupiterConfiguration
DEFAULT_TEST_METHOD_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.Constants
Property name used to set the default timeout for all @Test methods.
DEFAULT_TEST_TEMPLATE_METHOD_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.junit.jupiter.engine.config.JupiterConfiguration
DEFAULT_TEST_TEMPLATE_METHOD_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.Constants
Property name used to set the default timeout for all @TestTemplate methods.
DEFAULT_TESTABLE_METHOD_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.junit.jupiter.engine.config.JupiterConfiguration
DEFAULT_TESTABLE_METHOD_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.Constants
Property name used to set the default timeout for all testable methods.
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in interface org.junit.jupiter.engine.config.JupiterConfiguration
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.Constants
Property name used to set the default timeout for all testable and lifecycle methods.
DefaultArgumentConverter - Class in org.junit.jupiter.params.converter
DefaultArgumentConverter is the default implementation of the ArgumentConverter API.
DefaultArgumentsAccessor - Class in org.junit.jupiter.params.aggregator
Default implementation of the ArgumentsAccessor API.
DefaultArgumentsAccessor(Object...) - Constructor for class org.junit.jupiter.params.aggregator.DefaultArgumentsAccessor
DefaultJupiterConfiguration - Class in org.junit.jupiter.engine.config
Default implementation of the JupiterConfiguration API.
DefaultJupiterConfiguration(ConfigurationParameters) - Constructor for class org.junit.jupiter.engine.config.DefaultJupiterConfiguration
DefaultParallelExecutionConfigurationStrategy - Enum Class in
Default implementations of configuration strategies for parallel test execution.
DefaultTestInstances - Class in org.junit.jupiter.engine.execution
defaultToString(Object) - Static method in class org.junit.platform.commons.util.StringUtils
Convert the supplied Object to a default String representation using the following algorithm.
delimiter() - Element in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.CsvFileSource
The column delimiter character to use when reading the CSV files.
delimiter() - Element in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.CsvSource
The column delimiter character to use when reading the lines.
delimiterString() - Element in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.CsvFileSource
The column delimiter string to use when reading the CSV files.
delimiterString() - Element in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.CsvSource
The column delimiter string to use when reading the lines.
description - Variable in class org.junit.vintage.engine.descriptor.VintageTestDescriptor
DescriptionUtils - Class in org.junit.vintage.engine.descriptor
Details - Enum Class in org.junit.platform.console.options
DirectorySelector - Class in org.junit.platform.engine.discovery
A DiscoverySelector that selects a directory so that TestEngines can discover tests or containers based on directories in the file system.
DirectorySource - Class in
Directory based TestSource.
disabled(String) - Static method in class org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ConditionEvaluationResult
Factory for creating disabled results.
disabled(String, String) - Static method in class org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ConditionEvaluationResult
Factory for creating disabled results with custom reasons added by the user.
Disabled - Annotation Interface in org.junit.jupiter.api
@Disabled is used to signal that the annotated test class or test method is currently disabled and should not be executed.
DisabledForJreRange - Annotation Interface in org.junit.jupiter.api.condition
@DisabledForJreRange is used to signal that the annotated test class or test method is only disabled for a specific range of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) versions from DisabledForJreRange.min() to DisabledForJreRange.max().
DisabledIf - Annotation Interface in org.junit.jupiter.api.condition
@DisabledIf is used to signal that the annotated test class or test method is disabled only if the provided condition evaluates to true.
DisabledIfEnvironmentVariable - Annotation Interface in org.junit.jupiter.api.condition
@DisabledIfEnvironmentVariable is used to signal that the annotated test class or test method is disabled if the value of the specified environment variable matches the specified regular expression.
DisabledIfEnvironmentVariables - Annotation Interface in org.junit.jupiter.api.condition
@DisabledIfEnvironmentVariables is a container for one or more @DisabledIfEnvironmentVariable declarations.
DisabledIfSystemProperties - Annotation Interface in org.junit.jupiter.api.condition
@DisabledIfSystemProperties is a container for one or more @DisabledIfSystemProperty declarations.
DisabledIfSystemProperty - Annotation Interface in org.junit.jupiter.api.condition
@DisabledIfSystemProperty is used to signal that the annotated test class or test method is disabled if the value of the specified system property matches the specified regular expression.
DisabledOnJre - Annotation Interface in org.junit.jupiter.api.condition
@DisabledOnJre is used to signal that the annotated test class or test method is disabled on one or more specified Java Runtime Environment (JRE) versions.
DisabledOnOs - Annotation Interface in org.junit.jupiter.api.condition
@DisabledOnOs is used to signal that the annotated test class or test method is disabled on one or more specified operating systems.
disabledReason() - Element in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.DisabledForJreRange
Reason to provide if the test of container ends up being disabled.
disabledReason() - Element in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.DisabledIf
Reason to provide if the test of container ends up being disabled.
disabledReason() - Element in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.DisabledIfEnvironmentVariable
Reason to provide if the test of container ends up being disabled.
disabledReason() - Element in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.DisabledIfSystemProperty
Reason to provide if the test of container ends up being disabled.
disabledReason() - Element in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.DisabledOnJre
Reason to provide if the test of container ends up being disabled.
disabledReason() - Element in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.DisabledOnOs
Reason to provide if the test of container ends up being disabled.
disabledReason() - Element in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.EnabledForJreRange
Reason to provide if the test of container ends up being disabled.
disabledReason() - Element in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.EnabledIf
Reason to provide if the test of container ends up being disabled.
disabledReason() - Element in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.EnabledIfEnvironmentVariable
Reason to provide if the test of container ends up being disabled.
disabledReason() - Element in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.EnabledIfSystemProperty
Reason to provide if the test of container ends up being disabled.
disabledReason() - Element in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.EnabledOnJre
Reason to provide if the test of container ends up being disabled.
disabledReason() - Element in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.EnabledOnOs
Reason to provide if the test of container ends up being disabled.
DisableParentConfigurationParameters - Annotation Interface in org.junit.platform.suite.api
Disable parent configuration parameters.
discover(EngineDiscoveryRequest, UniqueId) - Method in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.JupiterTestEngine
discover(EngineDiscoveryRequest, UniqueId) - Method in interface org.junit.platform.engine.TestEngine
Discover tests according to the supplied EngineDiscoveryRequest.
discover(EngineDiscoveryRequest, UniqueId) - Method in class org.junit.platform.suite.engine.SuiteTestEngine
discover(EngineDiscoveryRequest, UniqueId) - Method in class org.junit.vintage.engine.discovery.VintageDiscoverer
discover(EngineDiscoveryRequest, UniqueId) - Method in class org.junit.vintage.engine.VintageTestEngine
discover(LauncherDiscoveryRequest) - Method in interface org.junit.platform.launcher.Launcher
Discover tests and build a TestPlan according to the supplied LauncherDiscoveryRequest by querying all registered engines and collecting their results.
discover(LauncherDiscoveryRequest, EngineDiscoveryOrchestrator.Phase) - Method in class org.junit.platform.launcher.core.EngineDiscoveryOrchestrator
Discovers tests for the supplied request in the supplied phase using the configured test engines.
discover(LauncherDiscoveryRequest, EngineDiscoveryOrchestrator.Phase, UniqueId) - Method in class org.junit.platform.launcher.core.EngineDiscoveryOrchestrator
Discovers tests for the supplied request in the supplied phase using the configured test engines to be used by the suite engine.
DISCOVERY - Enum constant in enum class org.junit.platform.launcher.core.EngineDiscoveryOrchestrator.Phase
DiscoveryFilter<T> - Interface in org.junit.platform.engine
A DiscoveryFilter is applied during test discovery to determine if a given container or test should be included in the test plan.
DiscoverySelector - Interface in org.junit.platform.engine
A selector defines what a TestEngine can use to discover tests — for example, the name of a Java class, the path to a file or directory, etc.
DiscoverySelectorResolver - Class in org.junit.jupiter.engine.discovery
DiscoverySelectorResolver resolves TestDescriptors for containers and tests selected by DiscoverySelectors with the help of the JavaElementsResolver.
DiscoverySelectorResolver() - Constructor for class org.junit.jupiter.engine.discovery.DiscoverySelectorResolver
DiscoverySelectors - Class in org.junit.platform.engine.discovery
Collection of static factory methods for creating DiscoverySelectors.
DISPLAY_NAME_PLACEHOLDER - Static variable in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.api.RepeatedTest
Placeholder for the display name of a @RepeatedTest method: {displayName}
DISPLAY_NAME_PLACEHOLDER - Static variable in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest
Placeholder for the display name of a @ParameterizedTest method: {displayName}
displayName(String) - Static method in class org.junit.platform.testkit.engine.EventConditions
Create a new Condition that matches if and only if the display name of an Event's test descriptor is equal to the supplied String.
DisplayName - Annotation Interface in org.junit.jupiter.api
@DisplayName is used to declare a custom display name for the annotated test class or test method.
DisplayName() - Constructor for class org.junit.jupiter.api.ClassOrderer.DisplayName
DisplayName() - Constructor for class org.junit.jupiter.api.MethodOrderer.DisplayName
DisplayNameGeneration - Annotation Interface in org.junit.jupiter.api
@DisplayNameGeneration is used to declare a custom display name generator for the annotated test class.
DisplayNameGenerator - Interface in org.junit.jupiter.api
DisplayNameGenerator defines the SPI for generating display names programmatically.
DisplayNameGenerator.IndicativeSentences - Class in org.junit.jupiter.api
DisplayNameGenerator that generates complete sentences.
DisplayNameGenerator.ReplaceUnderscores - Class in org.junit.jupiter.api
DisplayNameGenerator that replaces underscores with spaces.
DisplayNameGenerator.Simple - Class in org.junit.jupiter.api
Simple DisplayNameGenerator that removes trailing parentheses for methods with no parameters.
DisplayNameGenerator.Standard - Class in org.junit.jupiter.api
Standard DisplayNameGenerator.
doesNotContainIsoControlCharacter(String) - Static method in class org.junit.platform.commons.util.StringUtils
Determine if the supplied String does not contain any ISO control characters.
doesNotContainWhitespace(String) - Static method in class org.junit.platform.commons.util.StringUtils
Determine if the supplied String does not contain any whitespace characters.
doNotSkip() - Static method in class
Factory for creating do not skip results.
doubles() - Element in annotation interface org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ValueSource
The double values to use as sources of arguments; must not be empty.
DYNAMIC - Enum constant in enum class
Computes the desired parallelism based on the number of available processors/cores multiplied by the "dynamic.factor" configuration parameter.
DYNAMIC_CONTAINER_SEGMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.descriptor.TestFactoryTestDescriptor
DYNAMIC_TEST_REGISTERED - Enum constant in enum class org.junit.platform.testkit.engine.EventType
Signals that a TestDescriptor has been dynamically registered.
DYNAMIC_TEST_SEGMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.junit.jupiter.engine.descriptor.TestFactoryTestDescriptor
dynamicallyRegistered() - Method in class org.junit.platform.testkit.engine.Events
Get the dynamic registration Events contained in this Events object.
dynamicallyRegistered(long) - Method in class org.junit.platform.testkit.engine.EventStatistics
Specify the number of expected dynamic registration events.
dynamicContainer(String, Iterable<? extends DynamicNode>) - Static method in class org.junit.jupiter.api.DynamicContainer
Factory for creating a new DynamicContainer for the supplied display name and collection of dynamic nodes.
dynamicContainer(String, URI, Stream<? extends DynamicNode>) - Static method in class org.junit.jupiter.api.DynamicContainer
Factory for creating a new DynamicContainer for the supplied display name, custom test source URI, and stream of dynamic nodes.
dynamicContainer(String, Stream<? extends DynamicNode>) - Static method in class org.junit.jupiter.api.DynamicContainer
Factory for creating a new DynamicContainer for the supplied display name and stream of dynamic nodes.
DynamicContainer - Class in org.junit.jupiter.api
A DynamicContainer is a container generated at runtime.
DynamicDescendantFilter - Class in org.junit.jupiter.engine.descriptor
Filter for dynamic descendants of TestDescriptors that implement Filterable.
DynamicDescendantFilter() - Constructor for class org.junit.jupiter.engine.descriptor.DynamicDescendantFilter
DynamicNode - Class in org.junit.jupiter.api
DynamicNode serves as the abstract base class for a container or a test case generated at runtime.
dynamicTest(String, URI, Executable) - Static method in class org.junit.jupiter.api.DynamicTest
Factory for creating a new DynamicTest for the supplied display name, custom test source URI, and executable code block.
dynamicTest(String, Executable) - Static method in class org.junit.jupiter.api.DynamicTest
Factory for creating a new DynamicTest for the supplied display name and executable code block.
DynamicTest - Class in org.junit.jupiter.api
A DynamicTest is a test case generated at runtime.
DynamicTestInvocationContext - Interface in org.junit.jupiter.api.extension
DynamicTestInvocationContext represents the context of a single invocation of a dynamic test.
dynamicTestRegistered(String) - Static method in class org.junit.platform.testkit.engine.EventConditions
Create a new Condition that matches if and only if an Event's type is EventType.DYNAMIC_TEST_REGISTERED and its unique id contains the supplied String.
dynamicTestRegistered(Condition<Event>) - Static method in class org.junit.platform.testkit.engine.EventConditions
Create a new Condition that matches if and only if an Event's type is EventType.DYNAMIC_TEST_REGISTERED and it matches the supplied Condition.
dynamicTestRegistered(TestDescriptor) - Method in interface org.junit.platform.engine.EngineExecutionListener
Must be called when a new, dynamic TestDescriptor has been registered.
dynamicTestRegistered(TestDescriptor) - Static method in class org.junit.platform.testkit.engine.Event
Create an Event for the dynamic registration of the supplied TestDescriptor.
dynamicTestRegistered(TestDescriptor) - Method in class org.junit.platform.testkit.engine.ExecutionRecorder
Record an Event for a dynamically registered container or test.
dynamicTestRegistered(TestIdentifier) - Method in class org.junit.platform.launcher.listeners.LoggingListener
dynamicTestRegistered(TestIdentifier) - Method in class org.junit.platform.launcher.listeners.SummaryGeneratingListener
dynamicTestRegistered(TestIdentifier) - Method in interface org.junit.platform.launcher.TestExecutionListener
Called when a new, dynamic TestIdentifier has been registered.
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All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Deprecated API|Serialized Form