Interface Arguments

All Known Implementing Classes:

@API(status=STABLE, since="5.7") public interface Arguments
Arguments is an abstraction that provides access to an array of objects to be used for invoking a @ParameterizedTest method.

A Stream of such Arguments will typically be provided by an ArgumentsProvider.

See Also:
API Note:

This interface is specifically designed as a simple holder of arguments of a parameterized test. Therefore, if you end up transforming or filtering the arguments, you should consider using one of the following in intermediate steps:

  • The standard collections
  • Tuples from third-party libraries, e.g., Commons Lang, or javatuples
  • Your own data class

Alternatively, you can use an ArgumentConverter to convert some of the arguments from one type to another.

  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static final class 
    Specialization of Arguments that associates a name with a set of arguments.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static Arguments
    arguments(Object... arguments)
    Factory method for creating an instance of Arguments based on the supplied arguments.
    argumentSet(String name, Object... arguments)
    Factory method for creating an Arguments.ArgumentSet based on the supplied name and arguments.
    Get the arguments used for an invocation of the @ParameterizedTest method.
    static Arguments
    of(Object... arguments)
    Factory method for creating an instance of Arguments based on the supplied arguments.