@Target(value={TYPE,METHOD}) @Retention(value=RUNTIME) @Documented @Inherited @Repeatable(value=Tags.class) @API(status=STABLE, since="5.0") public @interface Tag
is a repeatable annotation that is
used to declare a tag for the annotated test class or test method.
Tags are used to filter which tests are executed for a given test
plan. For example, a development team may tag tests with values such as
, "slow"
, "ci-server"
, etc. and then supply a
list of tags to be included in or excluded from the current test plan,
potentially dependent on the current environment.
public abstract String value
Note: the tag will first be trimmed. If the supplied tag is syntactically invalid after trimming, the error will be logged as a warning, and the invalid tag will be effectively ignored. See Syntax Rules for Tags.