implementations and their
corresponding ArgumentsSource
annotations.See: Description
Interface | Description |
Arguments |
Arguments is an abstraction that provides access to an array of
objects to be used for invoking a @ParameterizedTest method. |
ArgumentsProvider |
ArgumentsProvider is responsible for providing a stream of arguments to be passed to a @ParameterizedTest
method. |
Enum | Description |
EnumSource.Mode |
Enumeration of modes for selecting enum constants by name.
Annotation Type | Description |
ArgumentsSource |
@ArgumentsSource is a repeatable annotation
that is used to register argument providers
for the annotated test method. |
ArgumentsSources |
@ArgumentsSources is a simple container for one or more
ArgumentsSource annotations. |
CsvFileSource |
@CsvFileSource is an ArgumentsSource which is used to
load comma-separated values (CSV) files from one or more classpath resources. |
CsvSource |
@CsvSource is an ArgumentsSource which reads
comma-separated values (CSV) from its CsvSource.value() attribute. |
EnumSource | |
MethodSource |
@MethodSource is an ArgumentsSource which provides access
to values returned by methods of the class in
which this annotation is declared. |
ValueSource |
@ValueSource is an ArgumentsSource which provides
access to an array of literal values of primitive types. |
implementations and their
corresponding ArgumentsSource