Interface TestExecutionListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
FlightRecordingExecutionListener, LegacyXmlReportGeneratingListener, LoggingListener, OpenTestReportGeneratingListener, SummaryGeneratingListener, UniqueIdTrackingListener

@API(status=STABLE, since="1.0") public interface TestExecutionListener
Register a concrete implementation of this interface with a Launcher to be notified of events that occur during test execution.

All methods in this interface have empty default implementations. Concrete implementations may therefore override one or more of these methods to be notified of the selected events.

All TestExecutionListener methods are called sequentially. Methods for start events are called in registration order while methods for finish events are called in reverse order. Test case execution won't start before all executionStarted(TestIdentifier) calls have returned.

If an exception is thrown by an implementation of a method of this interface, the exception will be caught and logged unless it is deemed unrecoverable. In consequence, a TestExecutionListener cannot cause test execution to fail or abort it early by throwing an exception.

JUnit provides two example implementations.

Contrary to JUnit 4, test engines are supposed to report events not only for identifiers that represent executable leaves in the test plan but also for all intermediate containers. However, while both the JUnit Vintage and JUnit Jupiter engines comply with this contract, there is no way to guarantee this for third-party engines.

As of JUnit Platform 1.8, a TestExecutionListener can access configuration parameters via the getConfigurationParameters() method in the TestPlan supplied to testPlanExecutionStarted(TestPlan) and testPlanExecutionFinished(TestPlan).

Note on concurrency: testPlanExecutionStarted(TestPlan) and testPlanExecutionFinished(TestPlan) are always called from the same thread. It is safe to assume that there is at most one TestPlan instance at a time. All other methods could be called from different threads concurrently in case one or multiple test engines execute tests in parallel.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • testPlanExecutionStarted

      default void testPlanExecutionStarted(TestPlan testPlan)
      Called when the execution of the TestPlan has started, before any test has been executed.

      Called from the same thread as testPlanExecutionFinished(TestPlan).

      testPlan - describes the tree of tests about to be executed
    • testPlanExecutionFinished

      default void testPlanExecutionFinished(TestPlan testPlan)
      Called when the execution of the TestPlan has finished, after all tests have been executed.

      Called from the same thread as testPlanExecutionStarted(TestPlan).

      testPlan - describes the tree of tests that have been executed
    • dynamicTestRegistered

      default void dynamicTestRegistered(TestIdentifier testIdentifier)
      Called when a new, dynamic TestIdentifier has been registered.

      A dynamic test is a test that is not known a-priori and therefore not contained in the original TestPlan.

      testIdentifier - the identifier of the newly registered test or container
    • executionSkipped

      default void executionSkipped(TestIdentifier testIdentifier, String reason)
      Called when the execution of a leaf or subtree of the TestPlan has been skipped.

      The TestIdentifier may represent a test or a container. In the case of a container, no listener methods will be called for any of its descendants.

      A skipped test or subtree of tests will never be reported as started or finished.

      testIdentifier - the identifier of the skipped test or container
      reason - a human-readable message describing why the execution has been skipped
    • executionStarted

      default void executionStarted(TestIdentifier testIdentifier)
      Called when the execution of a leaf or subtree of the TestPlan is about to be started.

      The TestIdentifier may represent a test or a container.

      This method will only be called if the test or container has not been skipped.

      This method will be called for a container TestIdentifier before starting or skipping any of its children.

      testIdentifier - the identifier of the started test or container
    • executionFinished

      default void executionFinished(TestIdentifier testIdentifier, TestExecutionResult testExecutionResult)
      Called when the execution of a leaf or subtree of the TestPlan has finished, regardless of the outcome.

      The TestIdentifier may represent a test or a container.

      This method will only be called if the test or container has not been skipped.

      This method will be called for a container TestIdentifier after all of its children have been skipped or have finished.

      The TestExecutionResult describes the result of the execution for the supplied TestIdentifier. The result does not include or aggregate the results of its children. For example, a container with a failing test will be reported as SUCCESSFUL even if one or more of its children are reported as FAILED.

      testIdentifier - the identifier of the finished test or container
      testExecutionResult - the (unaggregated) result of the execution for the supplied TestIdentifier
      See Also:
    • reportingEntryPublished

      default void reportingEntryPublished(TestIdentifier testIdentifier, ReportEntry entry)
      Called when additional test reporting data has been published for the supplied TestIdentifier.

      Can be called at any time during the execution of a test plan.

      testIdentifier - describes the test or container to which the entry pertains
      entry - the published ReportEntry
    • fileEntryPublished

      @API(status=EXPERIMENTAL, since="1.12") default void fileEntryPublished(TestIdentifier testIdentifier, FileEntry file)
      Called when a file or directory has been published for the supplied TestIdentifier.

      Can be called at any time during the execution of a test plan.

      testIdentifier - describes the test or container to which the entry pertains
      file - the published FileEntry