Uses of Package

JUnit Jupiter API for writing tests.
Annotation-based conditions for enabling or disabling tests in JUnit Jupiter.
JUnit Jupiter API for writing extensions.
JUnit Jupiter API support for writing extensions.
IO-related support in JUnit Jupiter.
Configuration specific to the JUnit Jupiter test engine.
Test descriptors used within the JUnit Jupiter test engine.
Internal classes for test execution within the JUnit Jupiter test engine.
Test extensions specific to the JUnit Jupiter test engine.
Support for migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit Jupiter.
Extensions which provide support for conditional test execution features of JUnit 4 (e.g., the @Ignore annotation) within JUnit Jupiter.
Extensions which provide (limited) support for JUnit 4 rules within JUnit Jupiter.
JUnit Jupiter extension for parameterized tests.
The ArgumentsAggregator and ArgumentsAccessor interfaces and the AggregateWith annotation.
ArgumentConverter implementations and the corresponding @ConvertWith annotation.
ArgumentsProvider implementations and their corresponding ArgumentsSource annotations.