Interface TestWatcher

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface TestWatcher
    extends Extension
    TestWatcher defines the API for Extensions that wish to process test results.

    The methods in this API are called after a test has been skipped or executed. Any CloseableResource objects stored in the Store of the supplied ExtensionContext will have already been closed before methods in this API are invoked.

    Please note that this API is currently only used to report the results of @Test methods and @TestTemplate methods (e.g., @RepeatedTest and @ParameterizedTest). Moreover, if there is a failure at the class level — for example, an exception thrown by a @BeforeAll method — no test results will be reported.

    Extensions implementing this API can be registered at any level.

    Exception Handling

    In contrast to other Extension APIs, a TestWatcher is not permitted to adversely influence the execution of tests. Consequently, any exception thrown by a method in the TestWatcher API will be logged at WARNING level and will not be allowed to propagate or fail test execution.

    • Method Detail

      • testDisabled

        default void testDisabled​(ExtensionContext context,
                                  Optional<String> reason)
        Invoked after a disabled test has been skipped.

        The default implementation does nothing. Concrete implementations can override this method as appropriate.

        context - the current extension context; never null
        reason - the reason the test is disabled; never null but potentially empty
      • testSuccessful

        default void testSuccessful​(ExtensionContext context)
        Invoked after a test has completed successfully.

        The default implementation does nothing. Concrete implementations can override this method as appropriate.

        context - the current extension context; never null
      • testAborted

        default void testAborted​(ExtensionContext context,
                                 Throwable cause)
        Invoked after a test has been aborted.

        The default implementation does nothing. Concrete implementations can override this method as appropriate.

        context - the current extension context; never null
        cause - the throwable responsible for the test being aborted; may be null
      • testFailed

        default void testFailed​(ExtensionContext context,
                                Throwable cause)
        Invoked after a test has failed.

        The default implementation does nothing. Concrete implementations can override this method as appropriate.

        context - the current extension context; never null
        cause - the throwable that caused test failure; may be null