This document contains the change log for all JUnit 5 releases since 5.3 GA.

Please refer to the User Guide for comprehensive reference documentation for programmers writing tests, extension authors, and engine authors as well as build tool and IDE vendors.


Date of Release: January 24, 2019

Scope: @RegisterExtension ordering, null and empty argument sources for @ParameterizedTest methods, new TestWatcher extension API, @TempDir field injection for the TempDirectory extension, as well as minor improvements and bug fixes since 5.4.0-M1.

For a complete list of all closed issues and pull requests for this release, consult the 5.4.0-RC1 milestone page in the JUnit repository on GitHub.

Overall Improvements

  • A regression introduced in version 5.4.0-M1 of the junit-bom has been fixed: <scope/> elements are omitted from the <dependency/> elements again.

JUnit Platform

Deprecations and Breaking Changes

  • TestPlan.add(TestIdentifier) has always been considered internal and is now deprecated. While calls from third-party code will continue to work for the time being, IDEs and build tools should remove any such code as soon as possible.

New Features and Improvements

  • The Launcher API now provides an execute(TestPlan, TestExecutionListener…​) method that allows one to execute a previously discovered TestPlan.

  • @RunWith(JUnitPlatform.class) no longer executes test discovery twice.

  • The root cause and suppressed exceptions are now included in the stack trace printed by the ConsoleLauncher.

  • The ConsoleLauncher now sanitizes user-provided display names before printing them to the console.

    • Common whitespace characters such as \t, \n, \x0B, \f, and \r are replaced by a standard space character, and all other ISO control characters are emitted as a single dot (.).

  • AnnotationSupport provides new methods for finding annotated fields and their values.

    • Consult the Javadoc for the various findAnnotatedFields() and findAnnotatedFieldValues() methods in AnnotationSupport for details.

  • ReflectionSupport provides new methods for finding fields and reading a field’s value.

    • Consult the Javadoc for the findFields() and tryToReadFieldValue() methods in ReflectionSupport for details.

JUnit Jupiter

Bug Fixes

  • Additional overloaded variants of the assertEquals() und assertNotEquals() methods in Assertions that solve Groovy method dispatch problems caused by overloaded variants introduced in 5.4 M1.

  • @RegisterExtension fields that are null when evaluated are no longer silently ignored. Instead, the corresponding test class or test method now fails with an informative exception.

  • @ParameterizedTest once again supports MessageFormat patterns for individual parameters — for example, {0,number,#.##}.

Deprecations and Breaking Changes

  • The ParentDirProvider strategy in the TempDirectory extension introduced in 5.4 M1 now accepts a TempDirContext instead of ParameterContext.

  • @TempDir (introduced in 5.4 M1) is no longer supported on constructor parameters. Please use field injection instead.

New Features and Improvements

  • Extensions registered programmatically via @RegisterExtension may now be registered in an explicit order via the @Order annotation.

  • New @NullSource, @EmptySource, and @NullAndEmptySource argument sources that provide null and empty arguments to @ParameterizedTest methods.

  • New TestWatcher extension API that allows extensions to process test results by defining result-based callbacks invoked after text execution.

  • The TempDirectory extension now supports parameters of type File in addition to Path, and @TempDir may now be applied to static or non-static fields.

JUnit Vintage

Bug Fixes

  • The VintageTestEngine now uses the fully qualified class name as the legacy reporting name for Vintage test classes instead of the simple class name which caused problems in test reports based on legacy reporting names — for example, reports generated by Maven Surefire.

New Features and Improvements

  • The VintageTestEngine now validates that the version of junit:junit on the classpath is supported (i.e., is equal to or greater than 4.12).


Date of Release: December 23, 2018

Scope: XML report generating listener, Test Kit for testing engines and extensions, new junit-jupiter dependency aggregating artifact for simplified dependency management in build tools, TempDirectory extension, display name generator API, test execution order API, API for accessing outer test instances, JUnit 4 @Ignore migration support, improved diagnostics and error reporting, discontinuation of the junit-platform-surefire-provider, as well as various minor improvements and bug fixes.

For a complete list of all closed issues and pull requests for this release, consult the 5.4.0-M1 milestone page in the JUnit repository on GitHub.

JUnit Platform

Bug Fixes

  • The junit-platform-suite-api artifact no longer has an unnecessary direct dependency on junit-platform-commons.

  • Containers and tests that interrupt the current thread no longer cause surprising failures in subsequent tests that interact with the reused thread.

    • This applies specifically to containers and tests executed via a HierarchicalTestExecutorService — for example, a @Test method in JUnit Jupiter — that interrupt the current thread — for example, via Thread.currentThread().interrupt() — but fail to clear the interrupted status flag for the current thread.

    • The TestTask implementation used internally by HierarchicalTestExecutorService implementations now automatically clears the interrupted status for the current thread after the execution of each container and test and logs a message at DEBUG level (FINE in java.util.logging) if the interrupted status is not cleared properly by user code.

Deprecations and Breaking Changes

  • The JUnit Platform Maven Surefire Provider (junit-platform-surefire-provider) has been discontinued and is no longer released as part of JUnit 5. Please use Maven Surefire’s native support for running tests on the JUnit Platform instead (requires Maven Surefire 2.22.0 or higher).

New Features and Improvements

  • New junit-platform-reporting artifact containing a LegacyXmlReportGeneratingListener that generates XML reports using a format which is compatible with the de facto standard for JUnit 4 based test reports that was made popular by the Ant build system.

  • New junit-platform-testkit artifact containing a Test Kit API for testing the execution of a TestEngine running on the JUnit Platform.

  • New ModifierSupport class providing an API for extension and test engine authors to inspect modifiers of classes and members.

  • Exceptions reported due to failed reflective operations such as loading a class, reading a field’s value, or looking up a method by name now include the original exception as their cause to make it easier to debug underlying issues.

  • Implementations of HierarchicalTestEngine may now add behavior that wraps around the invocation of Node.before(), Node.execute(), and Node.after() using the new Node.around() hook.

JUnit Jupiter

Bug Fixes

  • @ResourceLock can now be declared on test template methods such as @RepeatedTest and @ParameterizedTest methods. If @ResourceLock is used, the invocations will run in the same thread, even if parallel execution is enabled.

Deprecations and Breaking Changes

  • The default mode for parallel test execution has been changed from CONCURRENT to SAME_THREAD to allow for gradual opt-in by using the @Execution annotation on individual test classes or methods. You can invert this behavior by changing the default execution mode via the new junit.jupiter.execution.parallel.mode.default configuration parameter. Please refer to the User Guide for details.

New Features and Improvements

  • New org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter artifact that simplifies dependency management for JUnit Jupiter in build tools such as Gradle and Maven.

    • Specifically, this artifact aggregates all dependencies that are required to use JUnit Jupiter along with optional dependencies that extend the core Jupiter APIs.

    • It contains compile-time dependencies on junit-jupiter-api and junit-jupiter-params and a runtime dependency on junit-jupiter-engine.

  • Assertions.assertEquals() variants that compare floating point numbers using a delta now support a delta of zero.

  • New Assertions.assertEquals() variants that accept mixed boxed and unboxed primitive values, allowing statements such as assertEquals(42, Integer.valueOf("42")) to compile.

  • New Assertions.assertNotEquals() variants that accept the following primitive data types: char, byte, short, int, long, float, and double. Mixed boxed and unboxed primitive values are also supported.

  • Exceptions thrown in Assertions.assertAll() are now additionally tracked as suppressed exceptions in the resulting MultipleFailuresError. Consequently, the stack traces for such exceptions are now visible as Suppressed at the end of the stack trace for the invocation of assertAll().

  • JUnit 4’s AssumptionViolatedException is now supported in JUnit Jupiter for aborting a test mid-flight due to a failed assumption — for example, via JUnit 4’s org.junit.Assume utility class.

  • New TempDirectory extension (formerly part of JUnit Pioneer) that allows one to write test that require a temporary directory in a java.nio.file.FileSystem.

  • New JRE.JAVA_12 enum constant for use with @EnabledOnJre and @DisabledOnJre.

  • In addition to returning streams, @TestFactory-annotated methods may now return a single DynamicNode — for example, a DynamicTest or a DynamicContainer.

  • Implicit conversion from hexadecimal and octal string representations to integral types in @ParameterizedTest arguments — for example, conversion from "0xff" to 255.

  • New LOCALE and TIME_ZONE constants in org.junit.jupiter.api.parallel.Resources for use with @ResourceLock to synchronize test execution regarding the default Locale and default TimeZone, respectively.

  • New MethodOrderer API for ordering the sequence of tests with built-in support for alphanumeric, @Order annotation based, and random ordering of test methods.

  • New DisplayNameGenerator interface and @DisplayNameGeneration annotation that allow declarative configuration of a pre-defined or custom display name generator.

  • JUnit 4’s @Ignore annotation is now supported for disabling test classes and test methods via the junit-jupiter-migrationsupport module.

  • New ExtensionContext methods to access all test instances, including enclosing ones for @Nested tests: getTestInstances() and getRequiredTestInstances().

JUnit Vintage

No changes


Date of Release: November 25, 2018

Scope: Bug fixes since 5.3.1

For a complete list of all closed issues and pull requests for this release, consult the 5.3.2 milestone page in the JUnit repository on GitHub.

JUnit Platform

Bug Fixes

  • When configured with --details verbose, the ConsoleLauncher no longer throws a MissingFormatArgumentException if a test method display name contains String format specifiers such as %c.

JUnit Jupiter

Bug Fixes

  • Assertions.assertAll() is now thread-safe — for example, it can now be used with a parallel Stream.

  • The OS.SOLARIS enum constant used with @EnabledOnOs and @DisabledOnOs is now also detected as the current operating system if the JVM system property contains "SunOs".

  • Assertions.assertLinesMatch() no longer throws a NullPointerException after evaluating a fast-forward match if there are more expected lines after the fast-forward match than remain in the actual results. This bug only manifested itself if the expected list size was equal to or greater than the actual list size.

  • Multidimensional arrays may now be supplied to @ParameterizedTest methods from factory methods configured via @MethodSource.

    • For example, a factory method with the signature static Stream<int[][]> factory() can be used as the @MethodSource for a @ParameterizedTest with the signature void test(int[][]).

  • Threads created for running tests in parallel now use the same thread context class loader (TCCL) that was set when creating the underlying executor service. This resolves ClassNotFoundException issues that only occur in parallel execution mode when a custom TCCL is in place.

  • When executing tests in parallel, lifecycle methods and callbacks called after a @TestFactory method are now always executed after the dynamic tests returned by the method.

  • Exceptions thrown during initialization of static @RegisterExtension fields now cause the test class to fail instead of being silently swallowed.

JUnit Vintage

No changes


Date of Release: September 11, 2018

Scope: Bug fixes since 5.3.0

For a complete list of all closed issues and pull requests for this release, consult the 5.3.1 milestone page in the JUnit repository on GitHub.

JUnit Platform

Bug Fixes

  • An OutOfMemoryError regression introduced in JUnit 5.3.0 has been fixed.

    • Specifically, the NodeTestTask used by implementations of HierarchicalTestEngine (such as the Jupiter and Vintage test engines) no longer retains references to contextual state after a node has completed execution. This allows state such as instances of test classes to be properly garbage collected by the JVM.

    • Previously, a NodeTestTask instance was created for each TestDescriptor before starting execution. Now they are created on the fly and can be garbage collected by the JVM after the enclosing container has finished.

  • The OpenTest4J dependency has been updated to 1.1.1 to fix a serialization incompatibility between 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 that caused failure messages to be discarded when used from Gradle and potentially other tools and IDEs.

JUnit Jupiter

Bug Fixes

  • Invocations of assertThrows() that are passed a method reference for an overloaded method with a void return type once again compile.

    • For example, given an instance of java.lang.Object stored in a variable named object, assertThrows(Exception.class, object::wait) compiled against JUnit 5.2.0, failed to compile against JUnit 5.3.0, but now compiles against JUnit 5.3.1.

Breaking Changes

  • In order to revert the aforementioned breaking change, variants of assertThrows() introduced in JUnit 5.3.0 that accept ThrowingSupplier arguments have been removed.

JUnit Vintage

No changes


Date of Release: September 3, 2018

Scope: Parallel test execution, output capture for System.out and System.err, new TestInstanceFactory extension API, custom test sources for dynamic tests, promotion of the dynamic test API from experimental to maintained status, discontinuation of the junit-platform-gradle-plugin, deprecation of the junit-platform-surefire-provider, as well as various minor improvements and bug fixes.

For complete details consult the 5.3.0 Release Notes online.