This document contains the change log for all JUnit 5 releases since 5.2 GA.

Please refer to the User Guide for comprehensive reference documentation for programmers writing tests, extension authors, and engine authors as well as build tool and IDE vendors.


Date of Release: August 13, 2018

Scope: Finishing touches on parallel test execution and output capturing, bug fixes and miscellaneous usability improvements.

For a complete list of all closed issues and pull requests for this release, consult the 5.3 RC1 milestone page in the JUnit repository on GitHub.

JUnit Platform

Bug Fixes

  • All DiscoverySelector implementations (e.g., PackageSelector, ClassSelector, MethodSelector, etc.) now implement equals() and hashCode() for proper behavior when stored in collections.

  • ClassSource has been revised so that equals() and hashCode() are now properly based on the required class name instead of the optional Class reference. In addition, the non-blank precondition for a class name is now enforced.


  • The JUnit Platform Surefire Provider (junit-platform-surefire-provider) is now deprecated in favor of the native support for the JUnit Platform provided by Maven Surefire 2.22.0 and later versions.

New Features and Improvements

  • New LauncherConfig and associated builder for configuring the LauncherFactory. Specifically, auto-registration of test engines and test execution listeners can now be disabled, and additional engines and listeners can be registered programmatically.

  • New MethodSource.from(Class, Method) static factory method for creating a MethodSource from a specific class and method. This method should be used in favor of MethodSource.from(Method) when the test method is inherited from a superclass or present as an interface default method.

  • A ClasspathResourceSource can now be created from a URI via the new from(URI) static factory method if the URI uses the classpath scheme.

  • If the new experimental feature is enabled, captured output to System.out and System.err is now written to the dedicated system-out and system-err elements, respectively, in the XML report generated by ConsoleLauncher.

  • The ConsoleLauncher now uses the picocli library under the hood to parse the command line and generate usage help. Users may now pass command line arguments via an argument file (@-file) to the console launcher. Argument files allow users to work around system limitations on the length of a command line when creating a command line with lots of options or with long arguments for options. The usage help is now displayed using ANSI colors on supported platforms.

JUnit Jupiter

Bug Fixes

  • The MethodSource for an inherited @Test method now correctly references the current test class instead of the class or interface in which the @Test method is declared. This allows build tools such as Maven Surefire to properly include inherited @Test methods when executing a single test class or specific test classes based on filters — for example, via mvn test -Dtest=SubclassTests).

  • Exceptions thrown in @After and @AfterAll lifecycle methods now take precedence over violated assumptions (i.e. TestAbortedExceptions) in test or prior lifecycle methods.

New Features and Improvements

  • Generation of a detailed failure message for a failed assertion no longer fails if the toString() implementation of an object supplied to the assertion throws an exception. Instead, the object with the broken toString() implementation will be referenced via a default String representation based on the object’s fully qualified class name and system hash code, separated by an @ symbol.

  • Although it is highly discouraged, it is now possible to extend the org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions and org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions classes for special use cases.

  • New publishEntry(String) method in TestReporter that makes it easier to publish a report entry based solely on a value without requiring that a key be specified (as is required by the existing publishEntry() variants).

  • A custom test source URI for a dynamic container or dynamic test will now be registered as a ClasspathResourceSource if the URI uses the classpath scheme.

  • New TestInstanceFactory extension API that enables custom creation of test class instances.

  • ArgumentConverters and ArgumentsAggregators registered using @ConvertWith and @AggregateWith, respectively, are now only instantiated once per @ParameterizedTest instead of once for each invocation.

  • Performance improvements for executing parameterized tests, particularly when the method declares more than a few parameters.

  • New {displayName} placeholder for the name attribute in @ParameterizedTest that allows developers to include the display name of the @ParameterizedTest method in a custom display name for invocations of that parameterized test.

    • This aligns with the existing {displayName} placeholder support for @RepeatedTest.

  • Generation of the display name for a @ParameterizedTest no longer fails if the toString() implementation of an argument for the parameterized test throws an exception. Instead, the object with the broken toString() implementation will be referenced via a default String representation based on the object’s fully qualified class name and system hash code, separated by an @ symbol.

  • New getAs<Class>(index) Kotlin extension method to make ArgumentsAccessor friendlier to use from Kotlin.

  • Tests in classes that use Lifecycle.PER_CLASS are now executed in the same thread by default when parallel execution is enabled.

JUnit Vintage

Bug Fixes

  • The MethodSource for an inherited @Test method now correctly references the current test class instead of the class or interface in which the @Test method is declared. This allows build tools such as Maven Surefire to properly include inherited @Test methods when executing a single test class or specific test classes based on filters — for example, via mvn test -Dtest=SubclassTests).

New Features and Improvements

  • The VintageTestEngine now uses the simple name of a test class as the display name instead of the fully qualified class name. This aligns with the behavior of the JupiterTestEngine.


Date of Release: June 24, 2018

Scope: Parallel test execution, output capturing, test sources for dynamic tests as well as various minor improvements and bug fixes.

For a complete list of all closed issues and pull requests for this release, consult the 5.3 M1 milestone page in the JUnit repository on GitHub.

JUnit Platform

Bug Fixes

  • The full stacktrace is now printed to the console when running the ConsoleLauncher in --details verbose mode.

  • ReflectionUtils.findNestedClasses() and ReflectionSupport.findNestedClasses() no longer allow a NoClassDefFoundError to propagate if a nested class or nested interface has an invalid class file. Instead, the error will now be swallowed and logged at WARNING level.

Deprecations and Breaking Changes

  • The junit-platform-gradle-plugin has been discontinued and is no longer released as part of JUnit 5. Please use Gradle’s native support for running tests on the JUnit Platform (requires Gradle 4.6 or higher) instead.

  • The findAnnotation() methods in AnnotationSupport and AnnotationUtils no longer cache annotation lookups. Note, however, that the algorithm remains otherwise unmodified and is therefore semantically identical to the previous behavior.

New Features and Improvements

  • Experimental support for capturing output printed to System.out and System.err during test execution. This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled using a configuration parameter (see the User Guide for details).

  • Reusable support for parallel test execution for test engines that extend HierarchicalTestEngine.

    • HierarchicalTestEngine implementations may now specify a HierarchicalTestExecutorService.

    • By default, a SameThreadHierarchicalTestExecutorService is used.

    • Test engines may use ForkJoinPoolHierarchicalTestExecutorService to support parallel test execution based on Java’s Fork/Join framework.

    • Node implementations may provide a set of ExclusiveResources and an ExecutionMode to be used by ForkJoinPoolHierarchicalTestExecutorService.

  • New UriSource.from(URI) static factory method that allows a TestSource to be created from a URI. If the URI references a file or directory in the local filesystem, a FileSource or DirectorySource will be created; otherwise, an instance of the default UriSource implementation will be created.

  • New overloaded variant of isAnnotated() in AnnotationSupport that accepts Optional<? extends AnnotatedElement> instead of AnnotatedElement.

  • New --fail-if-no-tests command-line option for the ConsoleLauncher.

    • When this option is enabled and no tests are discovered, the launcher will fail and exit with a status code of 2.

JUnit Jupiter

Bug Fixes

  • When using @TestInstance(Lifecycle.PER_CLASS) semantics, registered AfterAllCallback extensions are no longer invoked if an exception is thrown by the test class constructor. Consequently, AfterAllCallback extensions are now only invoked if BeforeAllCallback extensions are invoked.

  • Test discovery no longer halts prematurely if a nested class or nested interface in a test class has an invalid class file.

  • Certain categories of errors encountered during the test discovery phase no longer cause JUnit Jupiter to prematurely abort the entire discovery process.

    • Such errors are now logged, thereby enabling JUnit Jupiter to discover and execute as many tests as possible while still informing the user of containers and tests that could not be properly discovered.

New Features and Improvements

  • Experimental support for parallel test execution. By default, tests are still executed sequentially; parallelism can be enabled using a configuration parameter (please refer to the User Guide for examples and configuration options).

  • New support for the IBM AIX operating system in @EnabledOnOs and @DisabledOnOs.

  • New assertThrows methods in Assertions provide a more specific failure message if the supplied lambda expression or method reference returns a result instead of throwing an exception.

  • New arguments() static factory method in the Arguments interface that serves as an alias for Arguments.of(). arguments() is intended to be used via import static.

  • New get<Class>(index) Kotlin extension method to make ArgumentsAccessor friendlier to use from Kotlin.

  • New support for supplying a custom test source URI when creating a dynamic container or test.

    • See the new factory methods dynamicContainer(String, URI, …​) in DynamicContainer and dynamicTest(String, URI, Executable) in DynamicTest for details.

JUnit Vintage

No changes.


Date of Release: April 29, 2018

Scope: JUnit BOM, support for Maven Surefire 2.21.0 allowing builds with Java 9 and Java 10, argument aggregation and widening primitive conversion for arguments in parameterized tests, external factory methods for @MethodSource, as well as various minor improvements and bug fixes.

For complete details consult the 5.2.0 Release Notes online.