Package org.junit.jupiter.api.parallel

package org.junit.jupiter.api.parallel
JUnit Jupiter API for influencing parallel test execution.
  • Class
    @Execution is used to configure the parallel execution mode of a test class or test method.
    Supported execution modes for parallel test execution.
    @Isolated is used to declare that the annotated test class should be executed in isolation from other test classes.
    The access mode required by a test class or method for a given resource.
    @ResourceLock is used to declare that the annotated test class or test method requires access to a shared resource identified by a key.
    @ResourceLocks is a container for one or more @ResourceLock declarations.
    A ResourceLocksProvider is used to programmatically add shared resources to a test class or its test methods dynamically at runtime.
    Lock represents a shared resource.
    ResourceLockTarget is used to define the target of a shared resource.
    Common resource names for synchronizing test execution.