Annotation Interface DisabledInNativeImage

@Target({TYPE,METHOD}) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Documented @DisabledIfSystemProperty(named="org.graalvm.nativeimage.imagecode", matches=".+", disabledReason="Currently executing within a GraalVM native image") @API(status=STABLE, since="5.9.1") public @interface DisabledInNativeImage
@DisabledInNativeImage is used to signal that the annotated test class or test method is disabled when executing within a GraalVM native image.

When applied at the class level, all test methods within that class will be disabled within a native image.

This annotation is not @Inherited. Consequently, if you wish to apply the same semantics to a subclass, this annotation must be redeclared on the subclass.

If a test method is disabled via this annotation, that prevents execution of the test method and method-level lifecycle callbacks such as @BeforeEach methods, @AfterEach methods, and corresponding extension APIs. However, that does not prevent the test class from being instantiated, and it does not prevent the execution of class-level lifecycle callbacks such as @BeforeAll methods, @AfterAll methods, and corresponding extension APIs.

This annotation may be used as a meta-annotation in order to create a custom composed annotation that inherits the semantics of this annotation.

Technical Details

JUnit detects whether tests are executing within a GraalVM native image by checking for the presence of the org.graalvm.nativeimage.imagecode system property (see org.graalvm.nativeimage.ImageInfo for details). The GraalVM compiler sets the property to buildtime while compiling a native image; the property is set to runtime while a native image is executing; and the Gradle and Maven plug-ins in the GraalVM Native Build Tools project set the property to agent while executing tests with the GraalVM tracing agent.

See Also: