001    package org.junit.experimental.theories;
003    import java.util.List;
005    /**
006     * Abstract parent class for suppliers of input data points for theories. Extend this class to customize how {@link
007     * org.junit.experimental.theories.Theories Theories} runner
008     * finds accepted data points. Then use your class together with <b>&#064;ParametersSuppliedBy</b> on input
009     * parameters for theories.
010     *
011     * <p>
012     * For example, here is a supplier for values between two integers, and an annotation that references it:
013     *
014     * <pre>
015     *     &#064;Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
016     *     <b>&#064;ParametersSuppliedBy</b>(BetweenSupplier.class)
017     *     public @interface Between {
018     *         int first();
019     *
020     *         int last();
021     *     }
022     *
023     *     public static class BetweenSupplier extends <b>ParameterSupplier</b> {
024     *         &#064;Override
025     *         public List&lt;<b>PotentialAssignment</b>&gt; getValueSources(<b>ParameterSignature</b> sig) {
026     *             List&lt;<b>PotentialAssignment</b>&gt; list = new ArrayList&lt;PotentialAssignment&gt;();
027     *             Between annotation = (Between) sig.getSupplierAnnotation();
028     *
029     *             for (int i = annotation.first(); i &lt;= annotation.last(); i++)
030     *                 list.add(<b>PotentialAssignment</b>.forValue("ints", i));
031     *             return list;
032     *         }
033     *     }
034     * </pre>
035     * </p>
036     *
037     * @see org.junit.experimental.theories.ParametersSuppliedBy
038     * @see org.junit.experimental.theories.Theories
039     * @see org.junit.experimental.theories.FromDataPoints
040     */
041    public abstract class ParameterSupplier {
042        public abstract List<PotentialAssignment> getValueSources(ParameterSignature sig) throws Throwable;
043    }