Annotation Interface CsvFileSource

@Target({ANNOTATION_TYPE,METHOD}) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Documented @Repeatable(CsvFileSources.class) @API(status=STABLE, since="5.7") @ArgumentsSource(org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.CsvFileArgumentsProvider.class) public @interface CsvFileSource
@CsvFileSource is a repeatable ArgumentsSource which is used to load comma-separated value (CSV) files from one or more classpath resources() or files().

The CSV records parsed from these resources and files will be provided as arguments to the annotated @ParameterizedTest method. Note that the first record may optionally be used to supply CSV headers (see useHeadersInDisplayName()).

Any line beginning with a # symbol will be interpreted as a comment and will be ignored.

The column delimiter (which defaults to a comma (,)) can be customized via either delimiter() or delimiterString().

In contrast to the default syntax used in @CsvSource, @CsvFileSource uses a double quote (") as its quote character by default, but this can be changed via quoteCharacter(). An empty, quoted value ("") results in an empty String unless the emptyValue() attribute is set; whereas, an entirely empty value is interpreted as a null reference. By specifying one or more nullValues() a custom value can be interpreted as a null reference (see the User Guide for an example). An ArgumentConversionException is thrown if the target type of a null reference is a primitive type.

NOTE: An unquoted empty value will always be converted to a null reference regardless of any custom values configured via the nullValues() attribute.

Except within a quoted string, leading and trailing whitespace in a CSV column is trimmed by default. This behavior can be changed by setting the ignoreLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace() attribute to true.

See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The column delimiter character to use when reading the CSV files.
    The column delimiter string to use when reading the CSV files.
    The empty value to use when reading the CSV files.
    The encoding to use when reading the CSV files; must be a valid charset.
    The CSV files to use as the sources of arguments; must not be empty unless resources() is non-empty.
    Controls whether leading and trailing whitespace characters of unquoted CSV columns should be ignored.
    The line separator to use when reading the CSV files; must consist of 1 or 2 characters, typically "\r", "\n", or "\r\n".
    The maximum number of characters allowed per CSV column.
    A list of strings that should be interpreted as null references.
    The number of lines to skip when reading the CSV files.
    The quote character to use for quoted strings.
    The CSV classpath resources to use as the sources of arguments; must not be empty unless files() is non-empty.
    Configures whether the first CSV record should be treated as header names for columns.
  • Element Details

    • resources

      String[] resources
      The CSV classpath resources to use as the sources of arguments; must not be empty unless files() is non-empty.
    • files

      String[] files
      The CSV files to use as the sources of arguments; must not be empty unless resources() is non-empty.
    • encoding

      String encoding
      The encoding to use when reading the CSV files; must be a valid charset.

      Defaults to "UTF-8".

      See Also:
    • lineSeparator

      String lineSeparator
      The line separator to use when reading the CSV files; must consist of 1 or 2 characters, typically "\r", "\n", or "\r\n".

      Defaults to "\n".

    • useHeadersInDisplayName

      @API(status=STABLE, since="5.10") boolean useHeadersInDisplayName
      Configures whether the first CSV record should be treated as header names for columns.

      When set to true, the header names will be used in the generated display name for each @ParameterizedTest method invocation. When using this feature, you must ensure that the display name pattern for @ParameterizedTest includes "{arguments}" instead of "{argumentsWithNames}" as demonstrated in the example below.

      Defaults to false.


       @ParameterizedTest(name = "[{index}] {arguments}")
       @CsvFileSource(resources = "fruits.csv", useHeadersInDisplayName = true)
       void test(String fruit, int rank) {
           // ...
    • quoteCharacter

      @API(status=STABLE, since="5.10") char quoteCharacter
      The quote character to use for quoted strings.

      Defaults to a double quote (").

      You may change the quote character to anything that makes sense for your use case.

    • delimiter

      char delimiter
      The column delimiter character to use when reading the CSV files.

      This is an alternative to delimiterString() and cannot be used in conjunction with delimiterString().

      Defaults implicitly to ',', if neither delimiter attribute is explicitly set.

    • delimiterString

      String delimiterString
      The column delimiter string to use when reading the CSV files.

      This is an alternative to delimiter() and cannot be used in conjunction with delimiter().

      Defaults implicitly to ",", if neither delimiter attribute is explicitly set.

    • numLinesToSkip

      int numLinesToSkip
      The number of lines to skip when reading the CSV files.

      Typically used to skip header lines.

      Defaults to 0.

    • emptyValue

      String emptyValue
      The empty value to use when reading the CSV files.

      This value replaces quoted empty strings read from the input.

      Defaults to "".

    • nullValues

      String[] nullValues
      A list of strings that should be interpreted as null references.

      For example, you may wish for certain values such as "N/A" or "NIL" to be converted to null references.

      Please note that unquoted empty values will always be converted to null references regardless of the value of this nullValues attribute; whereas, a quoted empty string will be treated as an emptyValue().

      Defaults to {}.

    • maxCharsPerColumn

      @API(status=STABLE, since="5.10") int maxCharsPerColumn
      The maximum number of characters allowed per CSV column.

      Must be a positive number.

      Defaults to 4096.

    • ignoreLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace

      @API(status=STABLE, since="5.10") boolean ignoreLeadingAndTrailingWhitespace
      Controls whether leading and trailing whitespace characters of unquoted CSV columns should be ignored.

      Defaults to true.
