This document contains the change log for all JUnit 5 releases since 5.5 GA.

Please refer to the User Guide for comprehensive reference documentation for programmers writing tests, extension authors, and engine authors as well as build tool and IDE vendors.


Date of Release: October 26, 2020

Scope: Bug fixes since 5.6.2

For a complete list of all closed issues and pull requests for this release, consult the 5.6.3 milestone page in the JUnit repository on GitHub.

JUnit Platform

No changes.

JUnit Jupiter

No changes.

JUnit Vintage

Bug Fixes

  • The internal JUnit4VersionCheck class — which verifies that a supported version of JUnit 4 is on the classpath — now implements a lenient version ID parsing algorithm in order to support custom version ID formats such as 4.13.1, 4.13-patch_1, etc.


Date of Release: April 10, 2020

Scope: Bug fixes since 5.6.1

For a complete list of all closed issues and pull requests for this release, consult the 5.6.2 milestone page in the JUnit repository on GitHub.

JUnit Platform

Bug Fixes

  • ReflectionSupport.findNestedClasses() no longer detects inner class cycles for classes that do not match the supplied Predicate. For example, JUnit Jupiter no longer throws an exception if an inner class cycle is detected in a nested class hierarchy whose inner classes are not annotated with @Nested.

JUnit Jupiter

Bug Fixes

  • Test discovery no longer halts with an exception for inner class hierarchies that form a cycle if such inner classes are not annotated with @Nested.

JUnit Vintage

Bug Fixes

  • Generating display names from JUnit 4 Descriptions now falls back to getDisplayName if getMethodName returns a blank String instead of throwing an exception.


Date of Release: March 22, 2020

Scope: Bug fixes since 5.6.0

For a complete list of all closed issues and pull requests for this release, consult the 5.6.1 milestone page in the JUnit repository on GitHub.

JUnit Platform

Bug Fixes

  • In order to avoid file locking issues on Microsoft Windows, URLs are no longer cached when loading files.

  • The presence of multiple files on the classpath now only results in a warning if the files have different URLs.

JUnit Jupiter

Bug Fixes

  • TestInstancePreDestroyCallback extensions are now invoked in reverse registration order when PER_CLASS test instance lifecycle semantics have been configured.

JUnit Vintage

No changes.


Date of Release: January 20, 2020


  • New @EnabledForJreRange and @DisabledForJreRange execution conditions

  • @Order allows to specify relative order

  • Parameter names are included in default display names of parameterized test invocations

  • Improvements to @CsvSource and @CsvFileSource

  • New TestInstancePreDestroyCallback extension API

  • Performance improvements and bug fixes for the Vintage engine

  • Improved error reporting for failures during test discovery and execution

  • Support for using any() and none() in tag expressions

  • org.junit.platform.console now provides a java.util.spi.ToolProvider

  • DiscoverySelectors for tests in inherited nested classes

  • OSGi metadata

  • Minor bug fixes and improvements

For a complete list of all closed issues and pull requests for this release, consult the 5.6 M1, 5.6 RC1, and 5.6 GA milestone pages in the JUnit repository on GitHub.

Overall Improvements

  • Gradle Module Metadata is now published for all artifacts.

  • OSGi metadata is now published in all binary JARs.

  • Javadoc now contains a module API overview page.

JUnit Platform

Bug Fixes

  • The EventConditions.nestedContainer() method in the Engine Test Kit now correctly handles events from multiple levels of nested classes.

  • Module org.junit.platform.launcher now reads java.logging due to usage of types in package java.util.logging.

Deprecations and Breaking Changes

  • The Launcher now propagates errors during test discovery by default instead of only logging and thereby potentially hiding them. In order to restore the old, lenient behavior, you can set the junit.platform.discovery.listener.default configuration parameter to logging.

  • To support the above feature consistently, a new EngineDiscoveryListener interface was introduced. TestEngine implementations should now notify the listener that can be accessed via the EngineDiscoveryRequest.getDiscoveryListener() method about each processed DiscoverySelector. Test engines that use EngineDiscoveryRequestResolver do not have to make any changes.

  • In the EngineTestKit API, the all(), containers(), and tests() methods in EngineExecutionResults have been deprecated in favor of the new allEvents(), containerEvents(), and testEvents() methods, respectively. The deprecated methods will be removed in JUnit Platform 1.7.0.

New Features and Improvements

  • Running all tests with any tags or without any tags at all is now supported by using the special expressions any() and none().

  • ReflectionSupport.findNestedClasses(…​) now detects cycles within inner class hierarchies. Consult the Javadoc for details.

  • New methods in DiscoverySelectors to select and execute individual tests in inherited nested classes, via specific selectors (NestedClassSelector and NestedMethodSelector).

  • New printFailuresTo(PrintWriter, int) method in TestExecutionSummary that allows one to specify the maximum number of lines to print for exception stack traces.

  • TestExecutionSummary.Failure is now serializable.

  • ThrowableCollector.toTestExecutionResult() is now public.

  • Exceptions thrown by test engines during discovery and execution are now reported to TestExecutionListeners.

  • The junit-platform-commons module no longer has a dependency on the java.compiler module (in terms of the Java Module System). Specifically, a new internal utility has been introduced in PackageUtils that implements functionality equivalent to javax.lang.model.SourceVersion.isName(CharSequence) from the java.compiler module.

  • Module org.junit.platform.console now provides a java.util.spi.ToolProvider implementation that can be acquired by ToolProvider.findFirst("junit") when running on Java 9 or above.

JUnit Jupiter

Bug Fixes

  • Method assertIterableEquals() in Assertions no longer throws a StackOverflowError when comparing iterables with components that themselves implement Iterable.

  • When @Nested is used, the temporary directory is now also injected into instance fields of enclosing classes annotated with @TempDir.

Deprecations and Breaking Changes

  • @EnabledIf and @DisabledIf have been removed from Jupiter’s API. Script-based condition APIs and their supporting implementations were deprecated in JUnit Jupiter 5.5 with the intent to remove them in JUnit Jupiter 5.6. Users must now rely on a combination of other built-in conditions or create and use a custom implementation of ExecutionCondition to evaluate the same conditions.

  • The default @Order value for non-annotated @RegisterExtension fields and test methods is now Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2 instead of Integer.MAX_VALUE. If you had previously assigned extension fields or test methods an explicit order greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2, this may be a breaking change for you.

New Features and Improvements

  • Support for multi-character delimiters in @CsvSource and @CsvFileSource.

  • Support for custom null values in @CsvSource and @CsvFileSource.

  • Documented support for comments in CSV files loaded via @CsvFileSource.

  • Auto-detection of enum type from method signature for @EnumSource.

  • Parameter names are now included in the default display name of a @ParameterizedTest invocation (if they are present in the bytecode). The {argumentsWithNames} pattern can also be used in custom names.

  • New @EnabledForJreRange and @DisabledForJreRange annotations for enabling or disabling test execution over a range of JRE versions.

  • @EnabledIfEnvironmentVariable, @DisabledIfEnvironmentVariable, @EnabledIfSystemProperty, and @DisabledIfSystemProperty may now be used as repeatable annotations. In other words, it is now possible to declare each of those annotations multiple times on a test interface, test class, or test method.

  • JAVA_15 has been added to the JRE enum for use with JRE-based execution conditions.

  • The @TempDir extension now makes an attempt to delete non-writable files by making them writable first.

  • The default @Order value for non-annotated @RegisterExtension fields and test methods is now Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2 instead of Integer.MAX_VALUE. This allows @Order annotated fields and methods to be explicitly ordered after non-annotated fields and methods. For example, this allows before callback extensions to be registered last and after callback extensions to be registered first, relative to other programmatically registered extensions.

  • New junit.jupiter.execution.timeout.mode configuration parameter to control whether timeouts are applied to tests. Supported values include enabled, disabled, and disabled_on_debug.

  • New TestInstancePreDestroyCallback interface that defines the API for extensions that wish to process test instances after they have been used in tests and before they are destroyed.

  • New TypeBasedParameterResolver<T> abstract base class that serves as a generic adapter for the ParameterResolver API and simplifies the implementation of a custom resolver that supports parameters of a specific type.

  • InvocationInterceptor extensions may now explicitly skip() an intercepted invocation. This allows executing the invocation by other means — for example, in a forked JVM.

  • Discovery of @Nested test classes that form a cycle now results in an exception that halts execution of the JUnit Jupiter test engine instead of infinite recursion.

JUnit Vintage

Bug Fixes

  • JUnit 3 suites with duplicate test names are now reported correctly.

New Features and Improvements

  • To support adoption of the recent JUnit 4.13 release, the Vintage engine now requires the new version in its POM and Gradle Module Metadata. However, if you absolutely have to stay on 4.12, you can safely downgrade the dependency manually because the Vintage engine will remain compatible with 4.12.

  • Performance improvements for projects with a large number of tests.

  • Performance improvements for test classes with a large number of methods.


Date of Release: September 8, 2019

Scope: Bug fixes since 5.5.1

For a complete list of all closed issues and pull requests for this release, consult the 5.5.2 milestone page in the JUnit repository on GitHub.

Overall Improvements

  • Published artifacts have been fixed regarding module descriptors.

    • Binary JAR files contain module-info.class.

    • Source JAR files contain

    • Javadoc JAR files contain neither module-info.class nor

JUnit Platform

No changes.

JUnit Jupiter

Bug Fixes

  • The JupiterTestEngine no longer crashes without executing any tests if JUnit 4 is on the classpath but Hamcrest is not. Specifically, initialization of the OpenTest4JAndJUnit4AwareThrowableCollector class no longer fails if the org.junit.internal.AssumptionViolatedException class cannot be loaded from the classpath due to a missing Hamcrest dependency.

JUnit Vintage

No changes.


Date of Release: July 20, 2019

Scope: Bug fixes since 5.5.0

For a complete list of all closed issues and pull requests for this release, consult the 5.5.1 milestone page in the JUnit repository on GitHub.

JUnit Platform

No changes.

JUnit Jupiter

Bug Fixes

  • Fix test discovery and execution of inherited @Nested classes.

JUnit Vintage

No changes.


Date of Release: June 30, 2019


  • Declarative @Timeout support

  • New InvocationInterceptor extension API

  • New LifecycleMethodExecutionExceptionHandler extension API

  • Deprecation of script-based conditions (@EnabledIf and @DisabledIf)

  • Configurable test discovery implementation for TestEngine authors

  • Explicit Java module descriptors

  • Various minor improvements and bug fixes

For complete details consult the 5.5.0 Release Notes online.