Annotation Type CsvSource

    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      String[] value
      The CSV lines to use as source of arguments; must not be empty.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      char delimiter
      The column delimiter to use when reading the lines.
      String emptyValue
      The empty value to use when reading the lines.
    • Element Detail

      • value

        String[] value
        The CSV lines to use as source of arguments; must not be empty.

        Each value corresponds to a line in a CSV file and will be split using the specified delimiter.

      • delimiter

        char delimiter
        The column delimiter to use when reading the lines.

        Defaults to ','.

      • emptyValue

        String emptyValue
        The empty value to use when reading the lines.

        This value replaces quoted empty strings read from the input.

        Defaults to "".
