This document contains the change log for all JUnit 5 releases since 5.0 GA.

Please refer to the User Guide for comprehensive reference documentation for programmers writing tests, extension authors, and engine authors as well as build tool and IDE vendors.


Date of Release: February 18, 2018


For a complete list of all closed issues and pull requests for this release, consult the 5.1 M1, 5.1 M2, 5.1 RC1, and 5.1 GA milestone pages in the JUnit repository on GitHub. This section describes all changes from version 5.0.3 to 5.1.0.

JUnit Platform

Bug Fixes

  • Test methods selected by fully qualified method name via DiscoverySelectors.selectMethod(String), via the method or methods element of the selectors configuration for the junitPlatform Gradle plugin, or via the -select-method or -m command-line options for the ConsoleLauncher can now contain special characters — for example, for JVM languages such as Kotlin and Groovy.

New Features and Improvements

Support for Java 9 Modules
  • New ModuleSelector discovery selector for scanning Java 9 modules for test classes.

    • This is an alternative to the existing classpath scanning support.

  • New console launcher option --select-module <name> or -o <name> for selecting Java 9 modules for test discovery.

    • This is an alternative to the existing classpath scanning support.

  • New console launcher option --scan-modules for scanning all resolved Java 9 modules available on the boot layer configuration for test discovery.

    • This is an alternative to the existing classpath scanning support.

  • When running on Java 9 or higher the default implementations of getVersion() and getArtifactId() in the TestEngine interface query the Java Platform Module System for this information.

  • Tests can now be included or excluded based on their tags using a tag expression language when executed using the Launcher, ConsoleLauncher, Gradle plugin, or Maven Surefire provider.

  • New @SuiteDisplayName annotation in the junit-platform-suite-api module for declaring a custom display name for a test suite.

    • Supported by the JUnitPlatform runner for JUnit 4 in the junit-platform-runner module.

  • The summary table of a console launcher run now contains the initial ten stack trace lines to better describe the location of the failure.

  • Class loading errors that occur during classpath scanning are now logged at DEBUG level (i.e., the FINE log level in java.util.logging) instead of as warnings.

JUnit Jupiter

Bug Fixes

  • Test classes selected via one of the selectClass() variants in DiscoverySelectors, via the aClass or classes element of the selectors configuration for the junitPlatform Gradle plugin, or via the -select-class or -c command-line options for the ConsoleLauncher are no longer allowed to be private. This aligns with the behavior for test classes discovered via package, class path, and module path scanning.

  • Null elements specified in the last column after the first row via @CsvSource for parameterized tests are now correctly converted to null instead of the empty String.

New Features and Improvements

Test Discovery
  • The JupiterTestEngine supports the new JUnit Platform ModuleSelector for selecting Java 9 modules.

    • This is an alternative to the existing classpath scanning support.

  • Selected dynamic tests and test template invocations can now be executed separately without running the complete test factory or test template. This allows to rerun single or selected parameterized, repeated or dynamic tests by selecting their unique IDs in subsequent discovery requests.

Programming Model
Improved Kotlin Support
  • New Kotlin friendly assertions added as top-level functions in the org.junit.jupiter.api package.

    • assertAll(): takes Stream<() -> Unit>, Collection<() -> Unit>, or vararg () -> Unit.

    • assertThrows(): uses Kotlin reified generics.

    • fail(): remove need to specify generic type explicitly.

      • When calling the methods from Kotlin, the compiler required the generic return type of fail to be declared explicitly when calling it — for example, fail<Nothing>("Some message"). These new top-level functions remove this requirement by returning Nothing.

Parameterized Tests
  • @CsvFileSource now supports a numLinesToSkip attribute which can be used to skip header lines in CSV files.

  • @ValueSource now additionally supports literal values of type short, byte, float, char, and java.lang.Class for parameterized tests.

  • The value attribute of @MethodSource is no longer mandatory. If no value (or an empty String) is supplied as a method name, a method with the same name as the current @ParameterizedTest method will be used as the factory method by convention.

  • New support for parameterized tests for implicit conversion from a String to an argument of any of the following common Java types. See the implicit conversion table in the User Guide for examples.


    • java.math.BigDecimal

    • java.math.BigInteger



    • java.nio.charset.Charset

    • java.nio.file.Path

    • java.util.Currency

    • java.util.Locale

    • java.util.UUID

  • New fallback mechanism for parameterized tests for implicit conversion from a String to an argument of a given target type if the target type declares exactly one suitable factory method or a factory constructor.

Extension Model
  • Extensions for JUnit Jupiter can now access JUnit Platform configuration parameters at runtime via the new getConfigurationParameter(String key) method in the ExtensionContext API.

  • Extensions for JUnit Jupiter can now access the Lifecycle of the current test instance via the new getTestInstanceLifecycle() method in the ExtensionContext API.

  • New callback interface CloseableResource introduced in ExtensionContext.Store. A Store is bound to the lifecycle of its extension context. When the lifecycle of an extension context ends, the associated store is closed, and each stored value that is an instance of ExtensionContext.Store.CloseableResource is notified by an invocation of its close() method.

  • New getOrComputeIfAbsent(Class) convenience method in ExtensionContext.Store that simplifies use cases where an extension wishes to store a single object of a given type (keyed by that type) in the Store and the object is created using the default constructor for that type.

    • For example, code such as store.getOrComputeIfAbsent(X.class, key -> new X(), X.class) can now replaced with store.getOrComputeIfAbsent(X.class).

JUnit Vintage

Bug Fixes

  • When using a tag filter to include/exclude a tag that represents a JUnit 4 category, e.g. "com.example.Integration", the Vintage Engine no longer mistakenly executes all test methods of test classes that contain at least one included test method, e.g. one that is annotated with @Category(com.example.Integration.class), regardless whether they belong to the same category.

New Features and Improvements

  • The VintageTestEngine supports the new JUnit Platform ModuleSelector for selecting Java 9 modules.

    • This is an alternative to the existing classpath scanning support.

  • Prior to this release, the Vintage test engine only returned a childless TestDescriptor for test classes annotated with @Ignore. However, build tools like Gradle need to show an accurate number of tests, i.e. they want to access and count the test methods of a test class regardless whether it’s ignored. The Jupiter engine already discovers skipped containers, e.g. test classes annotated with @Disabled, including their children and descendants. The Vintage engine now adopts this approach and returns a full subtree of TestDescriptors for classes annotated with @Ignore. During execution, it will only report the TestDescriptor of the test class as skipped which is consistent with how the Jupiter engine reports skipped containers.


Date of Release: January 15, 2018

Scope: Bug fixes and small improvements for ConsoleLauncher, Gradle plugin, and Maven Surefire provider

For a complete list of all closed issues and pull requests for this release, consult the 5.0.3 milestone page in the JUnit repository on GitHub.

Overall Improvements

  • In 5.0.1, all artifacts were changed to have an optional instead of a mandatory dependency on the @API Guardian JAR in their published Maven POMs. However, although the Java compiler should ignore missing annotation types, a lot of users have reported that compiling tests without having the @API Guardian JAR on the classpath results in warnings emitted by javac that look like this:

    warning: unknown enum constant Status.STABLE
    reason: class file for org.apiguardian.api.API$Status not found

    To avoid confusion, the JUnit team has decided to make the dependency to the @API Guardian JAR mandatory again.

JUnit Platform

Bug Fixes

  • Summary table is no longer printed via the ConsoleLauncher and Gradle plugin when details mode NONE is selected, unless there are errors.

  • The XML report produced by the ConsoleLauncher and Gradle plugin is no longer invalid when the exception message of a failed test contains the XML CDATA end marker ]]>.

  • The ConsoleLauncher, the Gradle plugin, and the Maven Surefire provider now attempt to write a valid class name into the classname attribute of <testcase/> elements in the XML reports. In addition, the name attribute of dynamic tests and test template invocations (such as repeated and parameterized tests) is now suffixed with the index of the invocation so they are distinguishable by reporting tools.

  • The Maven Surefire provider now includes the method parameter types when writing the name attribute of <testcase/> elements into XML reports. However, due to a limitation of Maven Surefire, instead of methodName(Type) they are written as methodName{Type}.

  • Non-inherited composed annotations which are meta-annotated with a given @Inherited annotation are now considered to be implicitly inherited when searching for the given meta-annotation within a class hierarchy.

New Features and Improvements

  • The JUnit Platform Maven Surefire provider now runs all specified tests in a single test run, i.e. all registered TestExecutionListeners will receive a single TestPlan. Previously, a separate TestPlan was discovered and executed for each test class.

  • New SUMMARY details mode for the ConsoleLauncher and Gradle plugin which prints the table of success and failure counts at the end of test plan execution. This new mode is analogous to the previous behavior of the NONE details mode.

  • The Maven Surefire provider now supports the test parameter that tells Surefire to only execute a subset of test classes or methods, e.g. by specifying -Dtest=…​ on the command line (see the Surefire documentation for details).

JUnit Jupiter

Bug Fixes

  • The @Tag and @Tags annotations are now inherited within test class hierarchies.

  • Due to a change in the JUnit Platform’s AnnotationUtils class, non-inherited composed annotations which are meta-annotated with a given @Inherited annotation are now considered to be implicitly inherited when searching for the given meta-annotation within a class hierarchy.

    • For example, an @Inherited annotation such as @TestInstance will now be discovered on a custom composed annotation declared on a superclass even if the composed annotation is not declared as @Inherited.

JUnit Vintage

No changes.


Date of Release: November 12, 2017

Scope: Bug fixes and minor improvements since the 5.0.1 release

For a complete list of all closed issues and pull requests for this release, consult the 5.0.2 milestone page in the JUnit repository on GitHub.

JUnit Platform

Bug Fixes

  • Failed tests are now reported correctly with Maven Surefire for test engines that do not use MethodSource (e.g. Spek).

  • Tests that write to System.out or System.err, in particular via a logging framework, are now consistently reported correctly when executed with a non-zero forkCount with Maven Surefire.

New Features and Improvements

  • The JUnit Platform Maven Surefire provider now supports the redirectTestOutputToFile Surefire feature.

  • The JUnit Platform Maven Surefire provider now ignores empty strings supplied via <includeTags/>, <groups/>, <excludeTags/>, and <excludedGroups/>.

JUnit Jupiter

Bug Fixes

  • Trailing spaces in a @CsvSource or @CsvFileSource input line no longer yield null values.

  • @EnableRuleMigrationSupport previously failed to recognize @Rule methods that returned a subtype of one of the supported TestRule types. Moreover, it mistakenly instantiated some rules declared using methods multiple times. Now, once enabled, it will instantiate all declared rules (fields and methods) exactly once and call them in the same order used by JUnit 4.

  • Previously, disabled test classes were eagerly instantiated when Lifecycle.PER_CLASS was used. Now, ExecutionCondition evaluation always takes place before test class instantiation.

  • The junit-jupiter-migrationsupport module no longer incorrectly attempts to register the JupiterTestEngine via the ServiceLoader mechanism, thereby allowing it to be used as a module on the Java 9 module-path.

New Features and Improvements

  • Failure messages for assertTrue() and assertFalse() in the Assertions class now include details about the expected and actual boolean values.

    • For example, the generated failure message for a call to assertTrue(false) is now "expected: <true> but was: <false>" instead of an empty string.

  • If a parameterized test does not consume all arguments supplied to it via argument sources, the unconsumed arguments are no longer included in the display name.

JUnit Vintage

No changes.


Date of Release: October 3, 2017

Scope: Bug fixes for the 5.0.0 release

For a complete list of all closed issues and pull requests for this release, consult the 5.0.1 milestone page in the JUnit repository on GitHub.

Overall Improvements

  • All artifacts now have an optional instead of a mandatory dependency on the @API Guardian JAR in their published Maven POMs.

JUnit Platform

No code changes.

JUnit Jupiter

Bug Fixes

  • ExpectedExceptionSupport from the junit-jupiter-migrationsupport module no longer swallows exceptions if the test class does not declare a JUnit 4 ExpectedException rule.

    • Consequently, @EnableRuleMigrationSupport and ExpectedExceptionSupport may now be used without declaring an ExpectedException rule.

JUnit Vintage

Bug Fixes

  • PackageNameFilters are now applied to tests selected via a ClassSelector, MethodSelector or UniqueIdSelector.


Date of Release: September 10, 2017

Scope: First General Availability Release

For complete details consult the 5.0.0 Release Notes online.