001    package org.junit;
003    import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
004    import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
005    import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
006    import java.lang.annotation.Target;
008    /**
009     * Annotates fields that reference rules or methods that return a rule. A field must be public, not
010     * static, and a subtype of {@link org.junit.rules.TestRule} (preferred) or
011     * {@link org.junit.rules.MethodRule}. A method must be public, not static,
012     * and must return a subtype of {@link org.junit.rules.TestRule} (preferred) or
013     * {@link org.junit.rules.MethodRule}.
014     * <p>
015     * The {@link org.junit.runners.model.Statement} passed
016     * to the {@link org.junit.rules.TestRule} will run any {@link Before} methods,
017     * then the {@link Test} method, and finally any {@link After} methods,
018     * throwing an exception if any of these fail.  If there are multiple
019     * annotated {@link Rule}s on a class, they will be applied in order of fields first, then methods.
020     * However, if there are multiple fields (or methods) they will be applied in an order
021     * that depends on your JVM's implementation of the reflection API, which is
022     * undefined, in general. Rules defined by fields will always be applied
023     * before Rules defined by methods. You can use a {@link org.junit.rules.RuleChain} if you want
024     * to have control over the order in which the Rules are applied.
025     * <p>
026     * For example, here is a test class that creates a temporary folder before
027     * each test method, and deletes it after each:
028     * <pre>
029     * public static class HasTempFolder {
030     *     &#064;Rule
031     *     public TemporaryFolder folder= new TemporaryFolder();
032     *
033     *     &#064;Test
034     *     public void testUsingTempFolder() throws IOException {
035     *         File createdFile= folder.newFile(&quot;myfile.txt&quot;);
036     *         File createdFolder= folder.newFolder(&quot;subfolder&quot;);
037     *         // ...
038     *     }
039     * }
040     * </pre>
041     * <p>
042     * And the same using a method.
043     * <pre>
044     * public static class HasTempFolder {
045     *     private TemporaryFolder folder= new TemporaryFolder();
046     *
047     *     &#064;Rule
048     *     public TemporaryFolder getFolder() {
049     *         return folder;
050     *     }
051     *
052     *     &#064;Test
053     *     public void testUsingTempFolder() throws IOException {
054     *         File createdFile= folder.newFile(&quot;myfile.txt&quot;);
055     *         File createdFolder= folder.newFolder(&quot;subfolder&quot;);
056     *         // ...
057     *     }
058     * }
059     * </pre>
060     * <p>
061     * For more information and more examples, see
062     * {@link org.junit.rules.TestRule}.
063     *
064     * @since 4.7
065     */
066    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
067    @Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD})
068    public @interface Rule {
070    }